User:Men's Rights EXTREMIST/Feminism is an obstacle to male dominance that women are rooting for men to overcome

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Think back to the tests you've taken. Scholastic Aptitude Tests, driving tests, etc. They were set up in such a way as to present a challenge, but those who designed the tests intended for the qualified to be able to pass with enough effort and ability. They did not intend to set up an insurmountable barrier to your achieving what you wanted. They just wanted to require that you meet a standard in order to proceed further and take on a right or privilege that carried with it great responsibility only suitable to be discharged by those who had the right stuff. It would take not only desire, but motivation, preparation, patience, etc.

It's the same way with feminism. When men became weak, women became discontent and invented feminism as a way to challenge and motivate men to become strong if they wanted to re-acquire the benefits that come with male dominance. As we all know, women (especially highly desirable women) will endlessly and subtly test men throughout the courtship process to make sure that they're not some kind of indecisive wuss who's going to make an an unexciting sex partner and unsuitable provider and protector; eventually, they decided to form a movement to impose, through new rules and cultural standards, difficult but ultimately defeatable challenges testing men's ability to re-assert their wills over the situation in the face of organized female resistance.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous, if when you went to get a driver's license, and were told, "You can't have it right now because you haven't passed the driving test" you were to say, "Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be; society must not want me to have it" or if, confronted with an SAT requirement for entering college you said, "I guess this means I wasn't meant to attend"?

People who act that way when presented with a challenge forfeit the respect of all who observe how easily discouraged they are. Is it any wonder, then, that when women treat men badly, and men respond by becoming more submissive in an effort to appease them, that women respond by losing respect and treating them even worse? They're like drill sergeants who yell obscenities in recruits' faces while they're struggling against the physical adversity of the training program, and yell even louder at them when they get discouraged and let themselves fall to the ground exhausted rather than pushing onward to success.

It is important to recognize feminism for what it is: not a serious effort to impose some sort of unscalable wall in the way of men's advance toward re-asserting dominance over women, but as a challenge that can be met and overcome with a determined, organized, and well-thought-out effort. In fact, it is a test that is MEANT to be overcome; otherwise, it would be a poorly-designed test that would defeat its own goal of keeping out the inept or lazy from positions for which they're unworthy, while letting in those who have proven themselves worthy and rewarding them for their effort.

Already we see that some individual men are defying the standards of behavior that feminism imposes, and being rewarded with sex from attractive young women. This has been going on since feminism's inception, actually, and has always mystified those men who were taught by their parents to follow society's values and norms in order to avoid punishment and receive rewards; and were taught by society that feminist values and norms are right, good, and cultural expectations that must be followed. It is only recently, though, that some men began organizing as a community to analyze the underlying dynamics of what is going on and suggest solutions proven in the field to work better than what mainstream society recommends.

Limited victories are already being achieved by individuals, but a more comprehensive victory will require a more concerted team effort. Fortunately, it appears that the Red Pill movement is making excellent progress toward at least reaching some of the most the crucial insights that can eventually result in a successful solution to the problem. Culturally, the election of Donald Trump could be a major step forward for neomasculinity.

The recent attacks against Roosh V ended up only strengthening the resolve of the movement to stand together. One might wonder why feminists weren't smart enough to just ignore him, but the answer to that may well be what is stated in the thesis of this essay: even assuming, for the sake of argument, that feminists are strong enough to win, they don't actually want to; they just want to put up a certain amount of resistance calibrated to keep out the riffraff and force everyone else to a higher level of performance and quality.

And perhaps maybe part of it is just for their own amusement, since weak men who didn't pose any challenge were starting to get boring. Women's being surrounded by men around who are too readily submissive to their desires to be interesting is an archetypical first world problem.