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BrainMop.png As a confirmed mustard jar for taking on this job as a Sysop on RationalWiki: I, MiloDaKat, pledge to only block users if they ask for it, or insert unfunny vandalism.
I furthermore pledge that if I indulge in secret private conversations about you, we will make a formal report to the mob. Is that all?
If you impugn my motives without warrant, or challenge my "AUTHORITY", er, there is nothing I can or will do.
# This user chats on Discord as fish#3100. They have proclaimed themself an annoyance.
This user is strictly opposed to libertarianism
Alligatoremote.png This user believes Herbert is the supreme being, rather than this "God" person. Nothing will change their mind. Nothing. Try. they dare you.
PvdA Logo small.svg This user believes in a regulated, capitalist economy with a strong welfare state.
Bibleopened.jpeg This user believes the Bible is just another book
This user believes that Alan Turing died for our sins.
Bi flag.svg
This user is bisexual, maybe. Probably. Well, Actually, they are. I think.
This user likes goats...a lot.
BrainMop.jpg This user was demoted to janitor Sysop. (verify)


Once a RationalWiki discord user, always a RationalWiki discord user. Long live Ratcord.

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