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Argument Side-by-Side[edit]



The Pentagon wasn't really hit by a commercial aircraft

Life begins at the moment of conception. Reductive scientific labels of "embryo" or "foetus" are used mask the fact that abortion is the pre-meditated killing of an unborn child. Without drawing this line, how can you decide when life begins? When it's viable, when it's cute, when it talks? Justice demands that children be accorded the same legal protections in utero as they would have without.

The potential for life begins at conception. Around 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage and mostly within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.[1] Following the pro-life logic, 1 in 4 children die before they are ever born. There has been a noticeable lack of campaigning directed towards stemming this appalling tide of infant death.

Before 20 weeks, a foetus' chances of survival outside the womb are nil. However well formed its little fingers, it can not be considered an independent entity in any meaningful sense. Realistic viability is attained at around 25 - 26 weeks[2] and few, if any, countries permit abortion after 24 weeks, except in cases of clear risk to the life of the mother.

  1. Miscarriage - NHS Direct [1]
  2. Premature babies - BBC News/Health [2]