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The dismal science
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Economic systems

  $  Free market
  €  Social democracy
  ☭ Socialist economy

Major concepts
The worldly philosophers

Market monetarism is a monetarist monetary theory which puts forward the idea that central banks should adopt the policy of trying to achieve a nominal gross domestic product (NGDP targeting), or similar nominal targeting, instead of inflation targeting (trying to keep an annual inflation index within a narrow range - not so low that growth stalls, but not too high either).[1] The objective being to get national economies back onto a healthy growth path.

Market monetarism is a monetarist monetary theory which puts forward the idea that central banks should adopt the policy of trying to achieve a nominal gross domestic product or similar nominal targeting, instead of inflation targeting (trying to keep an annual inflation index within a narrow range - not so low that growth stalls, but not too high either).[2] The objective being to get national economies back onto a healthy growth path.

Market monetarism is a monetarist monetary theory which puts forward the idea that central banks should adopt the policy of trying to achieve a nominal gross domestic product or similar nominal targeting, instead of inflation targeting (trying to keep an annual inflation index within a narrow range - not so low that growth stalls, but not too high either).[3] The objective being to get national economies back onto a healthy growth path.


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