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Happyman.svg This user is a humanist

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True North Strong and Free


I collect news about secularism in Canada on Storify and on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. I'm more of an arm chair academic Humanist than a real activist. I'm both pedantic and a poor speller, which is an interesting combination.

I'm more of an arm chair academic Humanist than a real activist. I'm both pedantic and a poor speller, which is an interesting combination.

The Roman Catholic Church[edit]

I'm currently interested in collecting and organization information on the Catholic Church for reasons that are unfathomable to me. Specifically, how progressive think Pope Francis is believes like they do and the church's continuing failure to respond to child abuse. The reason I'm in to these discussions is because so many people are wrong on the topic.

That's probably the same reason I'm into research and debating religious topics.

Links for future use:


I'm also starting to move into discussions on GMOs and organic food. Which is why I started the Food Claims wikia. There are only a few things on there but it occurred to me belatedly that it would be better to move that stuff over to an actually trafficked platform both for exposure of the information and for other people to help edit it and expand. So I'll be looking at ways to a) integrate my research and b) work on persuading with bite-sized facts. But I'm new to the community and will have to see how to do this without the standard of Rational Wiki.

I'm just leaving a link for GMO FAQs right here.