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This is an archive of my CP Talk page.
I didn't update anything yet.

Since I'm not sure if there's an easy way to measure page popularity over time, I'll post snapshots here and make observations based on how motivated I am at the time. I may make mistakes, but I don't consciously mess things up. If you notice an error, just say so - the Talk page is open for comments.


March 30 to April 6[edit]

Raw Data[edit]

March 30 to April 6[edit]

Title March 30
cp:Main Page 708,837
cp:Examples of Bias in Wikipedia 161,686
cp:Theory of evolution 90,068
cp:Index 60,888
cp:Dinosaur 51,824
cp:Kangaroo 50,347
cp:Homosexuality 44,560
cp:Abortion 37,367
cp:George W. Bush 33,641
cp:CE 28,466
cp:Jesus 27,363
cp:Atheism 25,784
cp:Bill Clinton 25,607
cp:Liberal 23,124
cp:Islam 21,582
cp:Articles for Deletion 20,527
cp:Creationism 20,391
cp:Charles Darwin 18,338
cp:Unicorn 17,580
cp:Debate topics 17,447
cp:Global warming 17,098
cp:Ancient History Terms 16,961
cp:God 16,481
cp:George Washington 15,659
cp:Communism 14,632
cp:Faith 14,249
cp:Pacific Northwest Arboreal Octopus 14,122
cp:Biology 13,316
cp:Fox News Channel 12,010
cp:Baraminology 11,501
cp:Albert Einstein 11,272
cp:Young Earth Creationism 10,994
cp:Theory of relativity 10,817
cp:Wikipedia 10,659
cp:Ann Coulter 10,594
cp:Republican Party 10,263
cp:Ronald Reagan 10,217
cp:Christianity 9,327
cp:Intelligent design 9,145
cp:Judaism 9,071
cp:Iraq 8,846
cp:Bible 8,768
cp:Adolf Hitler 8,654
cp:Hillary Rodham Clinton 8,643
cp:France 8,411
cp:United States of America 8,355
cp:Conservative 8,225
cp:Moon 7,947
cp:Cactus 7,285
cp:Modern Era 7,151
Title April 6
cp:Main Page 745,703
cp:Examples of Bias in Wikipedia 165,322
cp:Theory of evolution 94,714
cp:Index 63,747
cp:Dinosaur 53,412
cp:Kangaroo 52,542
cp:Homosexuality 47,229
cp:Abortion 38,886
cp:George W. Bush 35,129
cp:CE 29,141
cp:Jesus 28,498
cp:Atheism 26,779
cp:Bill Clinton 26,498
cp:Liberal 24,371
cp:Islam 22,621
cp:Debate topics 22,478
cp:Articles for Deletion 21,568
cp:Creationism 20,948
cp:Charles Darwin 18,894
cp:Global warming 18,190
cp:Unicorn 18,090
cp:Ancient History Terms 17,685
cp:God 17,129
cp:George Washington 15,904
cp:Communism 15,091
cp:Faith 14,402
cp:Pacific Northwest Arboreal Octopus 14,400
cp:Biology 13,765
cp:Wikipedia 13,206
cp:Baraminology 13,120
cp:Fox News Channel 12,437
cp:Albert Einstein 11,529
cp:Young Earth Creationism 11,462
cp:Theory of relativity 11,149
cp:Ann Coulter 10,976
cp:Ronald Reagan 10,697
cp:Republican Party 10,519
cp:Christianity 9,817
cp:Judaism 9,614
cp:Intelligent design 9,608
cp:Adolf Hitler 9,368
cp:Iraq 9,149
cp:Bible 9,147
cp:Hillary Rodham Clinton 9,110
cp:United States of America 8,794
cp:France 8,744
cp:Conservative 8,603
cp:Moon 8,182
cp:Big Bang Theory 7,472
cp:Cactus 7,459


  1. 1.0 1.1 For the ease of calculation, I simply assume that all dropouts go to rank 51 and that all newcomers come from rank 51