User:Timothy Perseus Wordsworth

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Articles should be accurate and laden with concrete detail.

Readers should come away from our articles having learned something.

Christian, with good answers for any issues that you may have with that.

Supports fairness.


"What's true for you isn't true for me." Is that true? Is that absolutely true? Is it true a true statement to say that truth doesn't exist? Is it true that there is no such thing as absolute truth? Are you imposing that belief on others or on me? If I disagree with you will you think of me as wrong or misguided? Did you just make a truth claim? That is part of why there is absolute truth - relativism is self contradictory.

It also means that everyone else, not just you, in his own mind can rationalize doing whatever garbage he wants to do to anyone he wants to.

"we'll Christian, you make claims, PROVE them!"[edit]

OK, part 1 part 2 If we evolved through Natural Selection (I capitalize Atheist terms like this on purpose), as some of you say that we did, then why are we so genetically close to zebrafish? Who is Jesus? Is Jesus just a good teacher?

School right now, more edits later.