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Page Astrology[edit]

Astrological point of view[edit]

According to astrologers, astrology is a part religion - part science. For astrological calculations it is necessary to accurately calculate and map the locations of certain celestial bodies. For that, astrologers use ephemeris tables and draw a map of a chosen set of celestial bodies for a given time. This time could be the birth time of a person, or the time of a certain event. Apart from mapping the celestial bodies, astrology is based on beliefs (religious type).

Beliefs in astrology[edit]

Just like many other religions, astrology personify of celestial bodies. A planet is considered as a divine entity with his own qualities and a visualized humanoid form. The sky is divided in to segments around the Earth. Therefor astrology is a Geo-Centric concept. Basically, the sky is divided in to 12 segments called houses, and those 12 houses are given various aspects of human life, (like Personality, Sex, Financials or Health, and so on). On the other hand, celestial bodies are given their own characteristics, (like Evil, Kind, Destructive, Constructive, Nurturing, Smart or Stupid and so on). The basic belief of Astrology is that when a certain celestial body enters the segment of the sky (counted relative to a previous instance), that qualities of the celestial body affects the aspects of that house to a specific human being.

In the point of view of divination[edit]

Astrology is a pseudoscience that comes under the umbrella of Divination or fortune telling. This is quite like a raffle draw, except that the planets move on a precisely pre-definied orbit that can be calculated. Therefor, astrology gives definitive predictions. Whatever you do to change the future events does not affect the astrological predictions because the planets would not change their path according to individual human will or actions. This goes against the Chaos Theory and Butterfly Effect where it says any small or insignificant action can cause implications on some other event in another place regardless of the distance or relevance.

The scientific point of view[edit]

Chaos theory and Butterfly effect[edit]

Chaos theory is a field of study in applied mathematics, with applications in several disciplines including physics, economics, biology and philosophy.[1] The butterfly effect is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory; namely a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.[2]

But the problem in Astrology is that it is only 'One Way!' The obvious fact that what you do in your own free will to change your possible future does not affect the definitive planetary orbits, and the astrologer would tell you the same thing whatever you do to change a possible outcome.