Essay talk:God and the military

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@Elvis is King You do realize that due to the US' Military-industrial complex the odds of those fresh suckers soldiers getting booted out due to conservative christian views are somewhere between low and non-existent right? — Unsigned, by: GrammarCommie / talk / contribs


Since the beginning of history it's been common for soldiers to: blaspheme, fornicate (or even rape), steal/loot, and kill non-combatants, all of which violate one of your actual Ten Commandments, but it's somehow beyond the pale for them to indulge in bum-sex (a transgression so petty that Moses couldn't even be bothered chiselling onto a stone)? As Winston Churchill pointed out, the British Navy, one of the all-time greatest fighting forces in world history, was founded on rum, sodomy, and the lash. The Greek army were pretty keen on man-love too, and people still make films about their military victories. --Gospatric (talk) 17:06, 11 January 2018 (UTC)