Essay talk:The heart of the matter

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Well Written[edit]

I think you have written a very good essay about how the situation in Syria is going to unfold. S.H. DeLong (talk) 08:53, 9 April 2017 (UTC)

Thanks. Probably the quickest one I ever cranked out. nobs 09:26, 9 April 2017 (UTC)
Do you think that there is going to be a war with Russia or North Korea? S.H. DeLong (talk) 01:04, 10 April 2017 (UTC)
Nobs, don't egg him on. He's been worried enough as it is, all for no good either. Don't assist him in keeping himself up at night. Reverend Black Percy (talk) 01:09, 10 April 2017 (UTC)
Sorry Perc, I will try to avoid this in the future. S.H. DeLong (talk) 01:13, 10 April 2017 (UTC)
You don't have to apologize. I just don't want you to worry for no good. I want you to enjoy life — you can and should. And when people are talking about war-not war, escalation-not escalation, etc... These are people who aren't up at night over this shit. Nobs can make his predictions, as can I, but he sleeps tight on it anyways, as do I! The context for all wild conjecture about war in the media and on forums is generally a state of psychological calm. Without that calm, why — reading the same news, it'd seem like the world was teetering on the brink or something! But it's not. I mean, I'm not saying that there's no need for talk of war in the context of psychological calm. But, like, just avoid war coverage if you're worried generally. It won't do you any good to read of missile attacks on the web if you can't help but integrate them into your own sense of "Should I be afraid?". Trust me. Case and point. So, turn off the war hype. Calm down and enjoy life. Pet a kitten. Go outside, listen to the breeze. Take a deep breath. All the best. Reverend Black Percy (talk) 01:22, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

Here's the Russian missile defense system the Russian's claim shot 36 of the 59 Tomahawks fired. nobs 14:16, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

The type of thing you should ONLY read if you ENJOY causal talk of war, as if it were football tactics[edit]

ISIS will probably survive now. Russians in Syria have been instructed to fire on Americans if they feel threatened, without contacting Moscow. A plane or cruise missile (and it source) travelling to Raqqa are vulnerable. This is a risk no one is willing to take. As a corollary, Assad is safe too now, for awhile.

A joint effort to take out Kim jong-un, talked about a few weeks ago, has been changed to talk of assassination. Nukes have probably already been transported to South Korea. Japan is quietly being re-militarized (which adds leverage to negotiations with China) and makes us less dependent on Russia and China to do something about North Korea. And it makes no sense to talk openly about 'thinking' of sending nukes to South Korea, but fears it will escalate tensions, unless they were there already (see. if we backed down from doing it after publicly proposing it, we look like chickenshits). nobs 01:46, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

There really are many interesting elements happening right now an astute observer should pay attention. For example, Trump's first meeting with the Chinese boss at golf coarse in Florida, rather than a state visit in Washington or the White House. The sides seem to agree, Trump largely is an unknown to China, and Trump is a novice on Chinese affairs. There's much room for confusion or misunderstanding, so they're having an informal get together with nothing on the agenda. The Chinese boss doesn't want to be accused back home of making agreements, for example, bombing Syria, with Trump. As Trump likewise is unprepared to enter any formal agreement.
But picture this, the two are dining at a table. Trump says excuse me, goes on TV and says to 300,000,000 Americans, "We just bombed the shit out them." Then returns to the table and says, "Now, where were we?" nobs 02:22, 10 April 2017 (UTC)
This may be one of the most brilliant acts of diplomacy you will ever witness in a lifetime: China warns North Korea Trump is a man who honors his word. Now Trump, who as president really is not principally a diplomat, had the government of the most populous nation on earth and second largest economy acting as his bag boy. The idiots in the US IC, who think they are fucking intelligent, can not be that ignorant, partisan, and stupid to notice. We'll know in a few weeks if North Korea backs down from its nuclear test. But the real story here is, time for the IC to get behind Trump's leadership, and those that refuse, need to be dealt with according to the fullest extent of the law. nobs`
And we have evidence of the survival of ISIS: "ISIS and other jihadist fanatics have been emboldened by these strikes and are attacking targets once under the protection of the airield that was hit."
If a generation of progressives, obamaites, and clintonites really want to mortgage the next half century to fighting a cold war, they should take some pointers from the veterans. All I've seen is a level of amatuerishness that's difficult to imagine they even believe. nobs 12:25, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

About President Xi, let me give two examples:

  • In 1991 Mikael Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace & visited Washington, hailed as a peacemaker globally; on his flight home from Washington he gave the order to go into Tblisi in Georgia and shoot 2600 people in the streets (it didn't get the press coverage here it got elsewhere).
  • In 1979 when formal relations with China were restored after 30 years & two major wars (Korea and Vietnam), Teng Xiaoping was welcomed to Wasjington by President Carter, the first Chinese communist dignatary to visit Washington (a Nixon-goes-to,-China in reverse). On the flight home he ordered troops to invade North Vietnam.

Both these incidents create the impression to the folks back home that the US was on board with Gorbachev's or Xiaoping's actions. Imagine what Putin, Iran, North Korea, and the rest of the world would be thinking if, while President Xi was resting in the Lincoln Bedroom, missiles were raining down on Russian missile defense systems.

You Trump opponents wanted this cold war bad enough, well now you got it. nobs 12:46, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

You can thank stupid cunts like this, obamacrats and assorted assholes, talking about impeaching Trump before he was ever elected because he wanted peace with Russia. In any other country, these coup plotters - Brennan, Obama, Rice, Bill and Hillary, probably Lynch, too would be lined up and shot. They forced Trump's hand. nobs`
As a non-reader of Breitbart; what's an "Obamacrat"? Thanks. Reverend Black Percy (talk) 13:14, 10 April 2017 (UTC)
Farkas, Rice, these brain dead idiots and carreerists who haven't a clue how the world works and think foreign policy is #20 on the domestic agenda they have to pay lip service to. nobs`
Do you believe that (in a just world) the people you list above — Brennan, Obama, Rice, Bill and Hillary, probably Lynch, too — should be marched out and summarily shot? Reverend Black Percy (talk) 13:23, 10 April 2017 (UTC)
Lynch & Bill need further investigation, but the evidence now looks damning. The rest, yes I do. They attempted to overthrow the elected president of the United States even after the electoral college voted. And in a certain sense, they've achieved their aim. They've altared the foreign policy direction that was promised to voters. nobs 13:31, 10 April 2017 (UTC)

Should this Essay be updated, or new one to bring it up to date?[edit]

I'm inclined to leave as is for historical purposes. nobsHell to the Thief! 21:27, 5 December 2020 (UTC)