Forum:JacobB a troll/parodist? knew it!

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i think this is really ironic

(Block log); 00:11 . . Jpatt (Talk | contribs) blocked JacobB (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 5 years (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked) (Inappropriate or vulgar name: bye toad)

however karajou did go a bit far with these words

(Deletion log); 00:33 . . Karajou (Talk | contribs) deleted "User:JacobB" (Creation of Troublemaker/Troll/Liar: All you did, JacobB, was to prove our point. You've really, REALLY, proved beyond all doubt what we've been saying about liberals all along.)

discus. --Slugboy (talk) 06:26, 25 July 2010 (UTC)

Nice! I hated Jacob B all along anyways. Gooniepunk2010 Oi! Oi! Oi! 06:28, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
Everyone knew JacobB was a parodist and he/she offered the password up here, on RW. This was a year ago. TK knew it, we knew it, Andy should have known it. All this has done is prove that on CP, toe the line and you'll do fine. AceX-102 06:29, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
He wasn't quite up to Buglar's levels, but he fitted the mould of a typical playground bully to a T. So that makes 4 - Jacob, Bugler, RodWeathers, Jess... who's next. --PsyGremlinHable! 06:35, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
Grrrr!!! Been trying to look at the RC there to see what went down, but it's been clogged by KenDoll's nonsense! The Goonie Punk Can't sleep, clowns will eat me! 06:37, 25 July 2010 (UTC)

I put a list of the block list/deletion log that happened on cp on talk:JacobB--Slugboy (talk) 06:43, 25 July 2010 (UTC)

looking at the block log: i noticed this 06:47, 24 July 2010 TK (Talk | contribs) blocked SergeantYork (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 5 years (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked) ‎ (Multiple accounts; same IP(s) as existing/previous user(s): Same as "Terminator" series, 101, 800) --Slugboy (talk) 06:43, 25 July 2010 (UTC)