Fun:Conservapedia/Poetry contest

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This notwithstanding, I, CЯacke®, propose and invite parciptants to write poetry with the central theme of Conservapedia being heavily lampooned.

Serious poetry is also acceptable but ain't as much FNU.

Based on limited personal experience limericks seem to be the funniest poetic genre and I encourage the use of this form. We will also vote the "vote code" so as to rate each on the fly, <vote poll=poetryXX> (Where XX=the next number in the sequence), and closed with </vote> I include a hastily cobbled one for edumacation porposes, added lulz as the beginning of each line spells "CUNTS".

1Conservatives, for pleasure go see,
Users visit their blog called "CP"
Not for to edit
They can bet it;
Someone has blocked their IP.
