Fun:Sign here to boycott the boycott

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Sign here to boycott the boycott[edit]

Or just carry on as per usual. CЯacke®

Sign here to boycott the boycott of the boycott[edit]


Sign here to boycott (2n)(the boycott of) the boycott (indicating a natural n)[edit]


Sign here to boycott (2n+1)(the boycott of) the boycott (indicating a natural n)[edit]

CЯacke® For n = 42 --JeɚvsYour signature gave me epilepsy... 00:17, 16 February 2008 (EST) CЯacke®

Sign here to boycott all boycotts![edit]

CЯacke® For all n<e (the boycott of) the boycott of the (boycott of Godel's incompleteness' theorem) in any case that the lim(as n-> oo) of 1/n is not zero. humanUser talk:Human 00:24, 16 February 2008 (EST)

Sign here to boycott this boycott[edit]


Sign here to boycott the boycott of this boycott of the boycott of this boycott[edit]

Shit, I forgot what "boycott" means, but it sounds a little assfly-esque! humanUser talk:Human 00:32, 16 February 2008 (EST) CЯacke®

Sign here to demand a girlcott[edit]

CЯacke® Another blow against the man-centric maleocracy! --JeɚvsYour signature gave me epilepsy... 00:53, 16 February 2008 (EST) CЯacke®

Sign here to boycott further boycott jokes[edit]

CЯacke® Yeah, that's probably enough. --JeɚvsYour signature gave me epilepsy... 00:53, 16 February 2008 (EST)