RationalWiki:What is going on at ASK?/January 2010

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January 2010[edit]


My parting comments to Philip and his cesspool of a site [1] .


I'm not accusing respected scientists of corruption nor deceit nor sloppiness, except that's totally what I'm doing.


Maybe it really is all over? I mean seriously, click this link. Go ahead, go ahead, click it, I'll wait right here. Oh my <expletive deleted>, see what I mean?


PJR: I never did science beyond high school, but I know more about it than every scientist in the world. It's all in the Bible, you know!


LowKey: It is impossible for Jesus to demean any human being. One would think that, being the incarnation of an omnipotent God and all, Jesus could lower anyone's character, status, or reputation.


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA... ...urrkk!!! By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed laughter can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record.


A little bit more like Conservapedia every day.


Bit of advice Philip, it helps if you give good answers, rather than just regurgitating CMI.


Has anyone ever told you you're sexy when you channel TK, Philip?


What are the rules for conflict of interest on aSK, anyway?


Collaboration, the CP aSK way!


The Great Flood wasn't genocide, you're just hating on god. The only reason someone would attempt to associate it with God would be to imply that He is evil and unjust. Yup!


Dishonesty reigns supreme! Surprised?


Ken doesn't like people badmouthing his boyfriend.