RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/September 2017

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September 2017[edit]

48For only 100,000 dollars you can be one of the idiots mavericks who'll join John Brahma on an epic journey to the edge of the flat earth and change the perception of reality once and for all.
21Dinesh D'Souza on why Colin Kaepernick should in fact be thanking Republicans for being the true Resisters of Oppression™
-59Diabetus Cat Invades UC Berkeley, Triggers Snowflakes: Liberal students upset over printouts of a half-man, half-cat telling feminists to "stop being fat"
36Twitter user SassyGayRepublican:"Why should I pay for other peoples' healthcare?" *has alleged accident* "Please pay my medical bills!"
2Adam Marshall Dobrin presents a consolidated connection between the Thunder of Thor, the "rain" of Ra, and revolutionizing democracy by showing Bush, 9/11 and Exodus are tied with Holy Purpose along with a message about "Wh@ to do?" explaining how this disclosure turns "simulated reality" into Heaven, positively stimulates the economy and turns Holy Water to bright stars.
56Universal healthcare is bad, because if everybody gets a Ferrari, Ferraris would no longer have value.
23‘Don’t shoot at Hurricane Irma’: Cops forced to issue warning after idea goes viral No not the Onion, just InfoWars.
70Prison Planet journalist writer Paul Joseph Watson argues that George Orwell would hate Antifa if he were alive today. Despite claiming to have read all his books, he forgets that Orwell is the definitive Antifa and, after being corrected on Twitter by a Spanish Civil War historian and Anti-fascist groups, then declares everyone else to be "Libtards" and mocks the idea that they could be right.