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# This user chats on Discord as Azure Rose.
This user has Asperger's syndrome or is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Panic attack.jpg This user suffers or suffered from Anxiety Disorders

Nonbinary flag.svg
This user is non-binary
ain't got
no GOD

This user does not worship.

Stop hand.png
This user believes all religions are a form of psychosocial control and are therefore inherently bad for you.
Atom.jpg This user does not believe in so-called "tolerance" when it compromises truth.
This user supports the legalization of The Herb, otherwise known as sweet leaf, reefer, or left-handed cigarette.
Vegetables-main Full.jpg
This user is a
This user is a metalhead!
Абу-ль-Аля аль-Маарри.jpg
Al-Ma'arri is this user's favorite Arabic language poet

Chick Tract.JPG
This user regards Jack Chick as one of sequential art's finest practitioners.
This user is an anarcho-communist
Medicalsign1.png This user believes that health care is a human right.
Blue Marble.jpg
This user is concerned about the environment.
Israel-Palestine peace.svg This user wants a two-state solution.

Feminism symbol.png This user is a feminist.

I decided to join RationalWiki because I've always had an interest in good epistemology and rational thinking, so I wanted to contribute an excellent resource for it. The username I chose was meant to reflect that - I'm a skeptic and I'm being intrepid by contributing to the project. Critical thinking is sorely lacking in the world today (hence why so much misinformation and disinformation floats around) and, in some small way, I want to contribute to the fight to promote it.

Politically, I consider myself a libertarian socialist but pragmatic enough to participate in the State as is. I quite like Vaush but don't agree with him on everything and believe there are legitimate criticisms. While in a different world, I'd like to see weaponry more restricted (perhaps something like community armories), I also firmly believe that so long as right wing nutjobs are armed, left wingers and vulnerable minorities should be armed to the teeth to defend themselves.

Other than that, I'm anti-natalist (but recognize that it's a controversial position so my advocacy is basically limited to getting sterilized and donating to charities to educate girls), a consequentialist and have an interest in reading.