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Jack Chick

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A photo of camera-shy Chick (left).[1][note 1]
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Devil's in the details
…one of God’s most infamous trolls.
—Matthew Paul Turner, a fellow Christian[3]

Jack Thomas Chick (1924–2016)[4] was an American cartoonist and the owner, manager, and editor of Chick Publications in southern California. Chick's publishing house is responsible for hundreds of abominable, illustrated evangelical gospel tracts known as Chick tracts, tiny comic books printed on cheap paper that are ubiquitous in subway stations, rest stop bathrooms, inside the dresser drawers of hotel rooms, and littered around other public places nationwide.

As a general rule, Chick tracts read like the ramblings of an anti-Semitic,[note 2] anti-Catholic, homophobic, etc. fire-and-brimstone conspiracy theorist that makes Pat Robertson look sane and mellowed out in comparison. The tracts create an "us vs. them" mentality where those who accept the message are part of the righteous few and the rest are sinners in league with the Devil.

The cartoons are horrifying to children and teach them that they are always one worldly decision away from eternal damnation. Chick tracts also warn against making the "wrong" friends, following the "wrong" teachers, and reading the "wrong" books, etc., lest children fall for a trick by the Devil in disguise. All this serves to isolate Christian fundamentalists, "saved" from the rest of society.[5]


Thanks to the 1992 rewrite, this scene (which in the 1972 version were pictures of two extinct species in that version's alternate history) lost what little sense it had. The Boolean Union Studios dissection of the tract[6] allows you to compare the two versions, but be warned, the older version is very verbose.
In truth, Jack Chick was the Leni Riefenstahl of American cartooning. Like the Nazi filmmaker who made Triumph of the Will, Chick was an artist of genuine skill who put his talent in the service of an odious ideology.
—Jeet Heer, New Republic magazine[7]


Chick began publishing tracts in the mid-1960s. His company publishes small tracts in comic book style as well as full-size comic books; his early tracts were published by Rusthoi Publications and were in a larger format than his current tracts. Most of his full-size comic books are part of the Crusader series. The smaller tracts are sold cheaply in bulk for you to leave everywhere you go: in phone booths, tables, laundromats, school lockers, car windshields, etc. (to non-fundamentalists, this is known as littering[note 3]). The larger comics featured a heavy dose of sensationalist Satanic Panic and demonic possession.

Chick (ironically — or not) claimed to have been inspired by early Maoist propaganda cartoon booklets (lianhuanhua, or linked pictures) that were distributed throughout China in the 1960s.[8]


Chick wrote all of his tracts, although some draw heavily from other like-minded sources. Chick also drew some, particularly the older tracts, but many have been drawn by others. Fred CarterWikipedia (1938–2022) (un-credited except for the film Light of the World) was typically the other artist. Carter's work is easy to spot by its realism, heavy shading, and attention to detail, in contrast to Chick's more cartoony style.[9] Carter's art frequently features less-than-subtle homoerotic themes and often bears striking similarities in both style and content to the gay S&M art of Tom of FinlandWikipedia (i.e. a penchant for leather, hypermasculine men, and sexual menace).

Proselytizing in many languages!

Chick tracts are printed in-house by Chick Publications and once retailed for around 16 cents each. Bulk discounts are available, and a number of tracts, especially those printed in more obscure languages or ones that have gone out of print, are available only in bulk sales of 10,000 copies.[10] Just about all of Chick's tracts are available for on-line reading, and were once available as apps for Android phones, presumably to show to others while proselytizing.[11]

Chick's art is often extremely anti-Semitic, with evil characters often having large, stereotypical Jewish noses. The Death Cookie, an attack on the Catholic Church, featured stereotypically Jewish-looking characters, including a Jewish-looking Satan.[12]

Chick also practiced other stereotyping in that many of his negative characters are overweight, and that virtually any overweight person in a Chick tract is bad. Thus overweight people join a large number of groups on Chick's bigotry hit parade.

Also, male villains are frequently balding with feeble comb-overs, while True Believers generally have full heads of hair.

Rumors persisted that Chick suffered a massive stroke in 1996. Of course, it's difficult to confirm this, given his overall reclusiveness. However, this rumor is not particularly unfounded; it does explain a few things, particularly the decline of art quality in Chick-drawn tracts and the apeshit crazier content of the later ones. (Those familiar with only the older tracts may wonder how this is possible. Trust us, some things are really infinite.)

Books and tapes

Jack Chick also published books, some of them written by himself and some of them by other authors. He reprinted a bunch of old out of print anti-Catholic books by Avro Manhattan[13][14][15][16][note 4] and Charles Chiniquy,[17] two books allegedly about "Satanism" by Rebecca Brown,[18][19] and is the main publisher of fringe anti-rock & roll crusader Jeff Godwin, who is so extreme he even thinks Christian Rock is Satanic.[20][21][22] Chick published the Spanish edition of The Collapse of Evolution by Scott Huse[23] and How Life Began by Thomas Heinze.[24]

Chick's self-authored books include: The Next Step: For Growing Christians,[25] The Last Call: A Revival Handbook,[26] the anti-Catholic rant Smokescreens,[27] and A Solution To… The Marriage Mess.[28] All the books by Chick are in the same cartoon style as his tracts and comic books.

He also released a few cassette tapes. Two of them are "Let's Take A Stand" and "Smokescreens",[29] where you get to hear Chick's actual voice rambling on about the "whore of Babylon". Another cassette was "Closet Witches", featuring Rebecca Brown and "Elaine" exposing the witchcraft conspiracy to infiltrate your local First Baptist Church, and what good Christians can do to spot and root out these dangerous infiltrators.[30]

Chick published on his website an essay (in addition to many more works) by ex-Satanist/Witch/Mormon/Mason/Roman Catholic/Druid/Vampire/Ninja/Pirate William Schnoebelen, in which Schnoebelen explains why Dungeons and Dragons is demonic, and claims that the Necronomicon and Cthulhu mythos are both real.[31]

Comic books

In addition to the tracts, Chick's company also produced full sized comic books, many under the Crusaders brand.[32] A set of six comic books sensationalize Alberto Rivera's fairy tales.[32] The Boolean Union Studios does an in-depth analysis on six of the comics[33] so one can see a sampling just how off Planet Reality they were.

Other comics


Chick produced only one evangelical video: The Light of the World. The 78-minute production consists of 360 oil paintings, most by Fred Carter, with narration written by Chick.[35][36]


Jack Chick likes to portray sinners as hirsute and obese. This one looks like it was drawn by Fred Carter.
What a strange, strange world we live in
Where the good are damned and the wicked forgiven
Regina Spektor,Wikipedia "The Trapper And The Furrier"

Most of his work follows a standard formula generally involving a highly caricatured straw man version of an atheist, Jew, Catholic, homosexual, or some other "sinner". Average Joes/Janes who are completely ignorant of even the basic tenets of Christianity despite living in the western world also frequently show up ("who's this Jesus guy I keep hearing about?"). These ne'er-do-wells then get theologically pwned by either a clean-cut kid who just fell out of a 1950s sitcom or a little old church lady. The sinner then either repents, generally losing whatever worldly position they had as a result, or ignores the proselytizing and ends up in the Lake of Fire, while the Christian kid/little old lady go on to eternal salvation. "Death is probably the most common event seen in Chick tracts, next to falling on the floor and reciting The Sinner's Prayer with a tear drop of sincerity."[37]

Occasionally Chick presents a "historical" tract, but the aforementioned characters are still often used to introduce the story/rant.


Around 1980, Chick discovered King James Only and anti-Catholicism and published several more Crusader comics blaming the Catholic Church for everything from communism, Satanism, and human sacrifice to the American Civil War, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, and finally the Holocaust (which was somehow also the fault of the evolutionists). Several of his early titles, including Why No Revival?,[38] The Beast,[39] and The Last Generation,[40] have been extensively revised from their original versions, mostly to incorporate Chick's anti-Catholicism into the later editions.

Chick appears to think that the Roman Catholic Church is part of a Satanist conspiracy to overthrow God's reign on earth. Or… something.[41] His claims about the Jesuits, for instance, include that they were responsible for the creation of the Qur'an, they tutored Karl Marx, started the Soviet Union, and even got the Tsar's gold as a reward. Well, to be more specific, the Catholic Church, according to Chick, gave Lenin $666,000,000 in gold when he was sent to Russia, as part of the plan to destroy the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church used the Tsar's gold to pay them off. This ignores the fact that the Romanov fortune would be inaccessible to them, as it is mostly locked up in Swiss banks for the Romanovs themselves, along with the fact that $666,000,000 in gold would have resulted in the Bolsheviks ending the Russian Civil War in days.[42] Jesuits controlled the Gestapo and were responsible for the Holocaust, the Nazis were created to destroy the Soviet Union as revenge for them betraying the Catholic Church, and somehow this is being deliberately withheld from the American people because of the seemingly infinite influence of the Catholic Church on the media.[43]

But of course, what would any good conspiracy theory be without a mention of the Freemasons? Jack claimed the Roman Catholic Church created the Freemasons, and that they want to unite the world under Baal worship, while their leaders swear oaths on the Qur'an. No, really, you can read this in Mama's Girls.[44] It is perhaps Chick's most conspiracy theory-riddled tract ever.

Most of Jack's sources were from Alberto Rivera, an anti-Catholic activist, admitted con man, and crank, who claimed to be an ex-Jesuit. He also repeated, even if they were debunked long ago, claims deriving from Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons,Wikipedia which claimed that the Roman Catholic Church continues a pagan cult founded by the semi-legendary figures Nimrod and Semiramis.[45][46]

Spiritual warfare

See the main article on this topic: Spiritual warfare

Occasionally, the tracts will feature "spiritual warfare", where angels and demons manipulate real world events to battle over people's souls.[47] In an effort to stay biblically accurate, Chick drew Satan with stereotypical devil horns and a pitchfork. According to Chick, Satan's hobbies include murdering teenagers with chainsaws[48] and watching corny sitcoms[49] and developing rock music.[42][note 5] Also, Satan knows very little about Biblical prophecy.[50]

Chick apparently also believed in creepy Haitian voodoo-style magic, since he could use it to bash Catholics.[51]

Several Chick comics dealing with rock music, witchcraft, or Dungeons and Dragons end with a book burning during which the new convert burns their D&D materials, astrology books, ouija boards, rock music, and Satanic books ("including Tolkien and C. S. Lewis").



The dialogue in Chick tracts often lapses into incoherent attempts at using slang or sounding hip:

  • "Haw haw — hey guys, this is the dirtiest story I've ever heard!"[52]
  • "Adam blew it! Temptation came and we all went down the tubes."[53]
  • "The environment will go crazy."[54][note 6]
  • "Talk about dumb. That was it!"[55]
  • "Hey friend, remember all those things you told me? You were wrong — you goofed!"[56]
  • "And then it hit the fan."[12]
  • "We're gonna Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock with the ROCK!"[57]
  • Hey! There's an old nut outside — preaching the gospel! Let's go give him the business. Haw! Haw! Haw![39]

Rewarding bad people, punishing good people

Chick routinely placed heavy emphasis on the importance of accepting the Holy Spirit in contrast to worldly actions such as charity, benevolence, and hospitality, usually resulting in situations where the most noble and honorable fellows end up being flung to Hell for eternity, while murderers, rapists, and convicts are rewarded with entry to Heaven thanks to an eleventh-hour salvation (Matthew 20:6-16),[58][59] or are miraculously allowed to live.[60]

Chick also seemed to delight greatly in images of naked bodies being thrown into lakes of fire by angels. Often these are the trimmer, better-looking sinners in the tracts, not the fat, ugly, bald stereotyped Jewish ones.

In the same vein as rewarding bad people while punishing good people, Chick had good people go to Hell, where they are gleefully tortured by demons and even the Devil, who seem to derive great joy from torturing people. So, in effect, demons and the devil, who are by definition worse than any human sinner, get the pleasure of torturing those less evil than themselves.


Chick's sickest tract is arguably Lisa, which has a disgusting enough start then progresses to one of the filthiest endings in history that makes CarrieWikipedia look mild. It is now unavailable in print and isn't on the Chick Publications website either, for some reason. However, the blog Jack Chick's Funnnybook Gospel has it archived with their own commentary,[61] and we have a scanned copy of it for perusal.[62] You have to read this thing to believe it. Remember: raping your children is fine as long as you accept Jesus as your personal savior! And it only takes 10 minutes! The tract was also the inspiration for the punk rock narrative "Lisa's Father (Waka Baby)" by the punk band Alice Donut.[63] The narrator of the piece begins by saying he was handed the tract by a door-to-door evangelist.

Trust Me, which still is available on the Chick Publications website,[64] is almost as sick, depicting a brutal rape as lowbrow comedy.

Uninvited deals with AIDS sufferers confronting one of their nurses over her claims they are dying because of demons. Turns out she was raped as a child by two big men… and could have ended up becoming a lesbian, and worse, dying of AIDS, were it not for her accepting Jesus. All the AIDS victims admit to having been molested or raped as children, which apparently results in a demon entering their body and making them homosexual, sending them on a direct course for Hell. Even for Jack Chick, this is fucked up. And unlike Lisa, it is still available from Chick Publications.[65]

Other religions

Chick attacked some religions for supposedly promoting animal sacrifice, apparently blissfully ignorant of the many places in the Bible where God called for animal sacrifices.[66] God even called for the sacrifice of a human being at least once (Genesis 22:2), and Jephtha's daughter actually was sacrificed, with God's approval or at least without rebuke: see Jephthah vs. Ammonites.

Chick also attacked Islam at least once for encouraging parents to use corporal punishment to discipline their children, despite the fact that one of his earlier tracts (Bad Bob) upheld corporal punishment as the right way to raise a Christian child, quoting Proverbs 13:24 (loosely rendered as "spare the rod, spoil the child" in modern times).

Chick's seemingly pro-Jewish and pro-Zionist views in Love the Jewish People (first published under the patronizing title Support Your Local Jew) have to be contrasted with Where's Rabbi Waxman?,[67] a tract asserting that Jews will go to Hell if they don't accept Jesus — most Jews would consider this message tantamount to demanding that they fundamentally renounce their Jewishness. Chick's Zionism becomes downright sinister when viewed with his promotion of barely-disguised anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in some of the Crusader comics series (complete with citations to conspiracy theorist Des Griffin,Wikipedia and to Alberto Rivera's claims that the Vatican invented Zionism).[68] This could be because the Third Temple must be built to bring about the Apocalypse in Christianity, which will only be possible if the Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed and the Temple Mount is taken by Israel, as the site of Solomon's Temple, where it must be built. The mosque is now the third-holiest site in Islam. A sort of symbiotic relationship was spawned between fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist Jews because of this.[69]

Finally, Chick linked non-Christianity with violence towards and abuse of children, while not commenting on the fact that God commanded His "chosen people" to go into the land of Canaan and kill every person in it, inflicting death even unto the children and the babes in arms, and later on to kill every Amalekite also down to the suckling infants.

But even a broken clock is right twice a day

See the main article on this topic: Stopped clock

Yes, sometimes Jack actually raised good points. And nowhere is this more obvious than his tract It's Not Your Fault.[70] This being a Chick Tract, it opens with a child suicide at an orphanage known as Happy Halls, which is being investigated by the police. When they question the kids, it is obvious that something has them scared. The police then find out that this is the second child suicide in five years when they look into Happy Halls' history. The orphanage is then closed down and the children are taken away by child services, while the owners threaten the police by saying they will drag Judge Stone into this.

One of the kids ends up at an orphanage run by a woman named Miss Carpenter, and after he has a nightmare, Miss Carpenter sits down to talk with him and ask what it is about. By this point, the police investigation has been called off due to political pressure. As Miss Carpenter talks with the kid who had a nightmare, we find out that Judge Stone molested the kids at Happy Halls, including the one who killed himself, and that the kid in question wants to make him pay. Miss Carpenter reveals that she understands how the kid must feel. It turns out that she and her husband were missionaries in Rwanda, and their congregation was composed of Tutsis. She was the only survivor, but was brutally attacked and raped.

Surprisingly, Jack raises some good points in this tract, such as how a traumatic event can leave deep psychological scars on a person and how badly the UN handled the Rwandan Genocide. The tract proves to actually be a reasonable storyline, until the ending, where Miss Carpenter basically uses fear tactics to make the kid convert to Jesus. It is still pretty crazy and incoherent at times, otherwise this wouldn't be a Chick Tract. Started with a good message, and then it got botched by the ending.

Another striking example is the tract Fat Cats,[71] which depicts a revolution against an oppressive government, the new rulers eventually becoming exactly like the old tyrants. Though mired in the typical Chick bias (including showing a socialist army as being funded and directed by a Jesuit conspiracy), and teaching that people should always turn to Jesus rather than resist tyranny or effect change with arms, it still has a relevant message on how revolutions can go horribly wrong.

The tract The Crisis,[72] while containing plenty of conspiratorial ranting about the Vatican, has the message that Christians should not reject modern medicine and that Jehovah's Witnesses' opposition to blood transfusions and the like is irrational and dangerous. Fatal Decision[73] similarly condemns anti-vax sentiment and portrays those who reject vaccinations as ungrateful sinners who will go to Hell for rejecting the gift of life.


In addition to adding anti-Catholic content, Chick had a long history of revising his tracts either to add more recent events or to bowdlerize the more controversial tracts. The offensively titled Support Your Local Jew was reissued as Jeopardy and then as Love the Jewish People.[74] That Crazy Guy, originally about gonorrhea, was changed to make it about herpes, then changed again to AIDS.[75] Escape!, a circa-1970 tract about overpopulation and environmentalism which suggests that the only solution to pollution is… drumroll please… The Rapture; it was later reissued as The Great Escape and updated to include AIDS and the first Gulf War.[76] The Bull, about a convict who finds Christ in prison, originally depicted him using foul language even after he got saved. This has been removed from the current version, but it hasn't been bowdlerized enough to stop him from saying things like "now shut up or I'll break your legs" while preaching.[77] Dark Dungeons had a controversial claim that the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were satanic, which was removed from later editions. Dark Dungeons was also changed to remove a reference to Acts 2:38 — Chick apparently finally discovering that the verse is a dog whistle for Jesus-only baptism theology, which is considered heretical by evangelicals.[78] Spellbound? originally had 8-track tapes on the cover, later changed to cassettes, then to compact discs on the current version.[79]

Adapted for Black audiences

Look out,
Here come de judge.
Here come de judge!
Haw Haw!
—The black version of the antagonist from Oops!

Chick Publications also offers a series of patronizing tracts intended for black audiences,[80] many of which are regular Chick tracts but with new artwork with Black casts (sometimes the faceless God is literally shaded) and different titles/dialogue to reflect a white person's terrible interpretation of African American Vernacular English. Examples: Hi There! became Wassup?, A Love Story became Who Loves You?, Best Friends became Soul Sisters, Charlie's Ants became Kura's Ants, Tiny Shoes became Sneakers, Somebody Goofed became Oops!, Allah Had No Son became Who Is Allah?, Somebody Loves Me became Hard Times, Soul Survivor became Help, Happy Hour became Sunday Special?, and This Was Your Life became It's Your Life! (for men) and Your Big Moment (for women). One exception to this is the 1977 tract Soul Story, which is out of print but available in custom order or for reading on-line.[81] This tract almost comes across as a script for a Christian blaxploitation film, since it is complete with a criminal kingpin named Leroy Brown (presumably the baddest man in the whole damn townWikipedia) who is freed from prison due to a legal technicality and seeks to resume his operations, and characters speaking hopelessly outdated slang ("You stupid jive turkey!"), the story eventually ends with Leroy being led to Jesus as he bleeds to death after an ambush shooting, a deathbed conversion.

Chick had racist attitudes, but it didn't stop him from having an interracial marriage, or working with Fred Carter, an African American.[82] Chick was more just… patronizing in his racism, not KKK racist.

Fred Carter redrew several comics to appeal to African American audiences:[83]

  • It's Your Life! (from This Was Your Life!)
  • Man of the Match (from The Superstar)
  • Soul Sisters (from Best Friend)
  • The Only Way (from One Way!)
  • Help (from Soul Survivors)
  • Who Loves You? (from A Love Story)

The Last Generation

It is particularly amusing when one of Chick's older tracts is updated as what little coherence and sanity the tract originally had goes right out the window. Nothing illustrates this more than The Last Generation.[84] A copy of the original 1972 tract and two versions of a more recent 1992 version are preserved on the Internet.[85] This tract involves a sort of 1984 meets Soylent Green world with food shortages so bad that people have hunted their pet dogs and cats to extinction, rolling blackouts (that do not affect your "government controlled TV sets"), a world where a glass of reclaimed water costs $5.60, and there are "reports of cannibalism in the major cities, mass starvation, and uncontrolled crime".[86]

The rewrite jettisons huge hunks of Chick's original text, making "The Last Generation" incredibly incoherent while retaining most of the paranoia of the original. The black helicopters and free drugs and torture from the original are retained, but the programming of people's minds is replaced with microchips to increase the pain; little Bobby's classmates' calling Bobby "trash" because his parents were the only ones married was changed to calling him "slime" because his parents were still married (and straight); the extinction of dogs and cats is replaced with them being sacrifices for Halloween; Bobby calls his grandfather an "intolerant jerk!" rather than a liar or an "old crud"; and the Healer (still dressed in something that looks like a cross between a wetsuit and a KKK uniform) now becomes a "famous New Age healer". However, some of the key parts of the original were totally thrown out: the hint that all of this is about 40 years from the foundation of Israel or 1988; the idea that a college questionnaire would ask about the Second Coming of Jesus and the answer put into a computer; and then there is the ending that has the Arabs along with Russia and Russia's satellite countries all attack Israel… signalling the beginning of WWIII.[note 7] If that wasn't enough, some of the panels are extreme closeups of the original tract, giving the current version an uneven look. Between the two versions bearing a 1992 copyright date, a number of minor changes were also made to correct spelling errors and rejigger the formatting of certain text.[87]

If the original version was just slightly over the top, the current version, even for Chick, is waaaay out there. It is strange that the 1992 rewrite did not include something about WWIII happening, especially as it seemed geared to cash in on the militia movement paranoia.

It seems that if Chick is the one who rewrote this, then even before the 1996 stroke, his hold on reality (such as it was) was slipping. Yes, the original was over the top, but it was at least somewhat coherent. The 1992 version isn't even that.


Chick died on October 23, 2016, at the age of 92, and is now burning in Hell due to the hateful and deranged bile that he preached in the name of God and Jesus.[88] His death was announced on the Chick Publications Twitter account.[89] The coincidence of Chick's death being so close to Hallowe'en is not lost on the reality-based community. In a Facebook posting, David W. Daniels, an author whose work has been printed by Chick Publications, stated, "Our promise to you — Nothing changes: The Method, The Vision, The Purpose".[90] In short, one can expect to see more of the hysteria of Chick's older works in the future.[91] An authorized hagiography, You Don't Know Jack, was published by Chick Publications.[2] The promotional webpage for the book has several photos of the normally camera-shy Chick.[92]

What was probably the last tract that he completed, Sunk!, was published in 2017.[93] In May 2017, the Chick Publications website listed what is apparently the first Chick Publications tract after Chick's death: Adopted. The section of the front cover that normally says "J.T.C." instead says "D.W.D.", the initials of David W. Daniels.[94]

Chick's death inspired a comic about his death and legacy on The Nib, "Jack Chick Goes to Heaven."[95] It's worth a read, though Dead To Rights took a look as to Jack's likely fate when he was alive.[96]


Copyright claims

In another example of double-standardism, though not of a religious type, Jack Chick frequently claimed copyright violations for things like reviews and parody, both of which in the US are allowed under fair use, which Chick himself used with regard to Dungeons & Dragons, Bewitched, and Family Guy in his very own tracts.


In the USA, Chick's tracts are largely legal under the First Amendment of the Constitution, although some tracts may have been cause for defamation suits, such as "Dark Dungeons", which could have led to a lawsuit from Dungeons & Dragons' publisher, TSR Inc., for business disparagement. However, in many nations such as Canada, a few Chick tracts are illegal under various hate speech and defamation laws,[97][98] and they are considered seditious in Singapore.[99]


Jack be nimble, Jack T. Chick, Jack be writing a pile of shit; you know what I'm saying?

Questionable source material

Jack Chick was notorious for using questionable and just plain ludicrous "testimonies" as source material. Some (Rivera, Todd, and Brown) were since exposed as frauds, but Chick continued to publish those tracts and comics:

Big Daddy

Many claims that have non-scripture references are questionable at best, misleading, and in some cases flat-out false.

Take Big Daddy? (2002),[102] an atheist professor myth story where Kent Hovind is used for a reference. It is bad enough that Hovind has no degrees from an accredited institution in the relevant fields, that the thesis referred to is of very poor quality, and that his claims are at odds with the published statements of experts in the field, but Chick compounds the insanity by claiming "It has never been against the law to teach the Bible or creation[ism] in public schools." The first part of that statement was false even in 1970 (when the first version of the tract was printed) as Abington Township School District v. Schempp,Wikipedia 374 U.S. 203 (1963) declared school-sponsored reading of the Bible to be unconstitutional (i.e. against the law). The second part become untrue per Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578 (1987)] when the Supreme Court ruled that creationism was specifically intended to advance a particular religion and therefore violated the establishment clause. It has been shown that the 1992 version did not have this Bible or creation in public schools reference at all and that the footnote for the various stages of man (which did not have Lucy but is otherwise identical to the 2002 version) was "for more details The Collapse of Evolution by Scott Huse available from Chick Publications" rather than the "for more details watch part 2 of the Creation Series video by Kent Hovind" seen in the later version.[103]

In fact, Big Daddy? is presented in the Columbia University Press book, Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters as a "typical of the genre" example of just how "misleading and dishonest" creationist presentations are. The examples of the "deceptive and misleading" distortions, misrepresentation, and fabrications presented in that work regarding Big Daddy are "Nebraska Man" (the misinterpretation of which was corrected after only a year and whose existence was debated from the beginning[104]), "New Guinea Man" (which is actually Homo sapiens), and the implication that "Cro-Magnon" was viewed as different from Homo sapiens[105]:334-335 Many of these points are reiterated in the satire tract of the same name.[106]

Ironically, the Big Daddy tract itself has evolved since it first came out in 1970, with "each leap forward occurring about 5-10 years after real advances in real science turn the older versions into TribbleWikipedia feces."[107]

There Go the Dinosaurs

Sometimes things got worse when Chick didn't use any non-scriptural references. Here, even the most basic knowledge of the subject matter can rip the tract to shreds.

For example, in There Go the Dinosaurs (2007),[108] it is claimed that the flood wiped out most of the plants, reducing the amount of oxygen available to the dinosaurs, making them lethargic resulting in them being killed off (under the name "dragons"). What is particularly bad here is that even the How and Why Wonder book Dinosaurs (1960) acknowledged that not all dinosaurs were big — Archaeopteryx, discovered in 1861, is about the size of a modern chicken, Velociraptor,Wikipedia discovered in 1923, is the size of a small dog, and Deinonychus,Wikipedia discovered in 1931, is roughly human-sized. By the logic (and we use the word very loosely) presented one should have Archaeopteryx eggs at the supermarket, be taking our Velociraptors out for walks, and be reading about Deinonychus attacks in Africa.[note 9] Basic knowledge from a children's book over 50 years old… and Chick doesn't know it.

Still No Revival?

Still No Revival? (2011)[109] continued Chick's commenting on the Inquisition while ignoring the fact that Protestants back then weren’t any better during the English Reformation.[110] Chick seemed to ignore the fact that the King/Queen of England is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, which was also responsible for the King James Bible.

It's Coming!

It's Coming![111] features an atheist whose ideology is entirely reversed by 5 minutes of conversation on a couch in a storm. It contains the creationist arguments the Flood explains seashells on mountains, a vapor canopy existed, the Flood explains geologic columns, and the evolution conspiracy.

Global Warming

Young Frankenstein didit

Global Warming[112] is not what it sounds like. It is probably the single most confusing tract Jack ever made. Try to make sense of it, and you may find yourself popping a blood vessel. To give the basic gist, Jack first says that global warming is a myth, no wait, the cast of Young Frankenstein is responsible, no, the Catholic church might be the cause, hold on, it's Nostradamus because he may have failed to predict the end of the world, no, that was just a cheap potshot, it's the Muslims, no, no, wait, it's scientists who made predictions that have failed to happen, no, it's the scientists who worship Gaia and the Mayan moon goddess (Ixchel), no, it's JESUS! JESUS IS THE CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING! JESUS WILL END THE WORLD WITH GLOBAL WARMING!


Jack Chick took a perverse delight in pulling the strings of this puppet Christ, having him send dozens of decent people to burn forever in the fires of hell, because he always knew that he would not be one of them.
—Sam Kriss[113]

If that is not bad enough, Chick flubbed researching passages in the KJV of the Bible itself.

Whore of Babylon

In Are Roman Catholics Christians? (1985),[114] Chick claims that the Roman Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon which is awkward when you get to Revelation 18:20 — Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. If that is not enough, Revelation 18:24 reiterates — And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

As Catholic Answers correctly points out, the prophets predate Jesus, and the apostles were the 12 original followers of Jesus; therefore the Whore of Babylon is a representation of something that had existed up to the first century CE, i.e. before the Roman Catholic Church formally existed and therefore cannot be the Roman Catholic Church.[115]

Good works

Chick also liked to claim that good works are not the way into Heaven; he failed to explain those passages (like Psalm 62:12, Jeremiah 17:10, Romans 2:5-6, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 25:41-46, Luke 10:26-28, James 2:17, and Revelation 20:12-13) which state that good works are required for salvation. It got really bizarre when Chick points out one part of the Bible and ignores the adjacent passages that totally undermine the very point he raised. For example, in The Chaplain,[116] Chick referred to Matthew 25:41 while ignoring Matthew 25:42-46 showing that good works are a requirement. So, he cites the following:

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (Matthew 25:41) (what Chick cites)

But look at what Chick omits:

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Matthew 25:42-46)

This lack of crosschecking research gets really bizarre when one compares tracts. Take Flight 144 (1998)[117] and Somebody Goofed (2002),[118] for example. In Flight 144, Chick has a character state "The Bible says that good works can't save anyone", but in Somebody Goofed Chick has a reference that simply says "**Rev 20:12-15". Well, here is the King James version of that reference, with some boldface added for emphasis:

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:12-15)

So Chick provides a reference to a passage that contradicts a claim made by an earlier tract and the really ludicrous part is that both tracts are still in print.

However, if one examines the key message that Chick is saying, that one needs only believe in Jesus to go to Heaven, which is the only way to get there, mind you, and how some characters in the Tracts themselves react to this news, it becomes very clear that this belief can actually encourage hypocrisy and immorality. You could go your whole life claiming to be Christian and living a very sinful lifestyle, but declare that you believe in Jesus when you are about to die, and not face any consequences for your actions by going to Heaven. Chick outright has a character in one of his tracts, Happy Halloween,[119] state that the idea of good people going to Heaven and bad people going to Hell is a lie straight from the Devil. The same Tract actually underlines the key problem of Jack Chick's theology.


Dark Dungeons

A film[120] based on the tract Dark Dungeons was released in 2014, following a Kickstarter campaign[121][122] that raised over $25,000. Despite being created by a group of gamers, the film was deliberately not done as a parody because there was no way they could've made it funnier than the real thing, although several references to the D&D Moral Panic were made.[123]

Computer animations

Two of Chick's tracts, The Sissy and Little Shoes, were made into rather simplified computer animations by Steve West (with Chick's permission), and were available for viewing on Chick's website, as well as purchase on DVD.[124]

Parodies and satires

Who Will Be Eaten First? — complete with misuse of "your" in place of "you're"

The recognizable style of Chick's comics has invited a number of parodies, such as the one pictured at right and a short webcomic by Steve Ellis and Fred van Lente,[125] both involving H.P. Lovecraft's god Cthulhu.

National Lampoon magazine mercilessly parodied Chick tracts in their December 1974 issue, The Judeo-Christian Tradition, or The Joy of Sects.[126]

Some of the best parodies were done by gamers, especially fans of Dungeons & Dragons, in response to his "Dark Dungeons" attack on D&D. In fact, one Open Gaming License fork of D&D is actually named Dark Dungeons; and just in case you thought the name was a coincidence, the example character at the beginning of the rules is Black Leaf, the same thief from the tract.[127]

There are also satires of Chick's comics such as Who's Your Daddy?[106] (satirizing Big Daddy[102]), and Somebody Loves You?[128] (satirizing Somebody Loves Me[129]).

Jim Huger of the Jack T. Chick Parody Archive presents satires of Chick tracks that point out errors in the originals. This archive includes The Good, The Bad, and the Fundy[130] (satirizing Gun Slinger), Dead To Rights[96] (satirizing Last Rites), and This Is Your Death[131] (satirizing This Was Your Life).

The 2006 film Hot Chicks[132] spoofs several Chick tracts, by reenacting them verbatim but changing the context to make them hilarious. The rock band in Angels?[133] becomes an angst-ridden 1990s post-grunge act, and the "ex-gay" evangelist in Wounded Children[134] is still so obviously gay that he cannot say "confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus" without being overly erotic when he says the "with your mouth" part.[135]

Comic book fans also get into the act, such as the Marvel comics themed parody Galactus Is Coming![136] Another person made a DC-themed parody starring Darkseid.[137]

Comedian David Cross released a DVD entitled Let America Laugh in 2003. Each segment of the video shares a title with a Chick tract ("Gomez Is Coming", "Is There Another Christ?", "This Was Your Life", etc.). For the record, Cross is an atheist.[138]

Jello Biafra's lyrics in the Dead Kennedys' song "I Kill Children" quotes the Chick comic Why No Revival ("God told me to skin you alive").[139][140][141]

Alice Donut's song "Lisa's Father" skewered the Chick comic Lisa.[142][143]


Some Jack Chick fandom publications exist from people who generally enjoy the art and surreal fantasy of Jack Chick's tracts and comics. An apt comparison may be made to William Blake,Wikipedia the admirably insane British artist of the late 18th/early 19th century whose views on religion eventually bloomed into his own highly surreal illustrated poems.[note 10] Kurt Kuersteiner has published a book on Chick[144] and produced a movie ("God's Cartoonist").[145] Chick tracts and comics are also sold and distributed by comic fans for enjoyment, as well as by the fundamentalists who distribute the tracts for evangelism. Kristi Harrison of, who was raised in a born-again household, is one such fan, comparing Chick's mindset to that of "a crazy 8-year-old cherry-picking the parts of late-night HBO movies that he caught glimpses of when his babysitter thought he wasn't looking", and mourns the thought of them going away and depriving people of that entertainment value.[146]

There was even a "Chick Tract Club" devoted to collectors of the tracts (who refefred to themselves as "Chicklets").[147]

Most popular

Islamists, Biker Satanists, North Koreans, Overly-Clichéd Halloween Witches, Angry Asian Secularists, and Darwinists pointing at dog bones. They all want you dead.[148]

The all time best seller of these is This Was Your Life!,[52] in which a pipe-smoking, up-scale man of about mid-1960s vintage — who looks like he is the epitome of Playboy Magazine's target audience — dies and finds his entire life played back to him on Judgement Day. Adultery! Fornication! Foul language! Drinking! Disbelief in Jesus! God then casts this sinner into the Lake of Fire. (Oh, and since Chick Tracts are translated into 100+ languages,[note 11] Americans shouldn't be surprised if they see ¡Esta Fue Tu Vida![149] available at many of the finer coin laundries and public restroom stalls in their area, or आपका जीवन ऎसा था!,[150] 你的一生! and 이것이 당신의 삶이었습니다![151] sitting just inside the doors of Asian grocery marts, complete with racial equivalent protagonists (also note the narrowing of the eyes between the two Far East Asian versions). Even Esperantists shouldn't be surprised if they find a copy of Jen Via Tuta Vivo![152] among the brochures at their next convention.[note 12]) As with many Chick tracts, the same story is available in patronizing female and ethnic variants: It's Your Life,[153] You Have a Date,[154] Your Big Moment,[155] and so on. In 2014, Chick released yet another version of the tract, Your Best Life,[156] aimed directly at Muslims.

Other tracts

1960s: (paranoid right-wing view of the 1960s counterculture)

  • Bewitched?: A hippie girl into LSD, Ouija boards, astrology, and all the other usual bad hippie occult stuff being won to Christ just in time as she is dying in a hospital from an LSD flashback.[49]
  • The Poor Revolutionist: New Left revolutionaries overthrow the government, only to find that the new Marxist regime they helped bring to power has them early on the list for mass executions.[157]


  • Creator or Liar?: An oversimplified presentation of the gospel.[158]
  • The Sissy?: Two truck drivers who think Jesus was a sissy because he turned the other cheek being scared straight by a giant Christian truck driver at a truck stop diner.[159]
  • A Demon's Nightmare: Spiritual warfare in the life of a new convert.[160]
  • The Mad Machine: One of the few Chick tracts that is supposed to be humorous that actually is (stopped clock in effect here — the tract is an attack on 1970s psychotherapy fads).[161]


  • The Death Cookie is an attack on the Roman Catholic Mass. The cookie refers to the communion wafer, which is, according to the tract, a trick devised by the Devil to get people to worship a cookie as God. Each communion wafer is depicted as having a "demon" behind it because it is an idol.[162]
  • Angels: Anti-Christian rock and depicts a Christian rock band finding that in order to be commercially successful, they have to sign their souls over to their manager, Lew Siffer. They give up their Christian idealism for fame, fortune, and writing hit songs like "Embrace Me, Love Of Death". Under Siffer's management, their concerts have actual demons coming out of their loudspeakers, and the members of the band soon find themselves with AIDS or dabbling in vampirism, until one of them reads a Chick tract found in his pocket, realizes he has been duped, and repents of involvement in rock music.[163]
  • Dark Dungeons: is anti-Dungeons and Dragons and depicts a high school girl being led into Wicca by her group's dungeon master, who felt she was ready to cast real spells due to "the intense occult training" D&D provided. She casts spells on her father to make him buy her more D&D materials, but becomes alarmed and wants out after one of her friends commits suicide. She visits an evangelist's revival meeting, where she is encouraged to turn her life over to Jesus and to bring her Dungeons and Dragons books that evening for a book burning.[78]
  • Wounded Children: So bad that Chick himself recalled it![164] This disaster promotes the ex-gay movement; among other ridiculous things, it has a young man becoming homosexual after finding his father's heterosexual pornography collection, which causes him to fall under the influence of demons who lead him into "masturbation and sexual fantasy" and convince him he is a girl in a boy's body. (Yes, Chick confuses homosexuals with transgender people, but that is among the least of the problems with his writing.) He grows up and heads for the gay neighborhood of the city, which is depicted as a sleazy ghetto of bars, gay baths, and back-alley porno shops. Becoming disillusioned with the "gay lifestyle", he is approached by an "ex-gay" evangelist in a gay bar who leads him to Jesus. The incredibly homophobic (and slightly homo-erotic) tract is out of print, and not even available on, and the pages from it are available, with commentary, on the blog "Enter the Jabberwock".[164] Apparently, Wounded Children was quite controversial. Fred Carter outdid himself with pure homo-erotica in the artwork — even the demons look like the epitome of homomasculinity — and Chick has gone back to publishing more conventional anti-gay attacks like Doom Town[165] and The Gay Blade.[166]


  • That's Baphomet? (originally The Curse of Baphomet) has a boy attempting suicide. Instead of maybe, you know, getting some counseling for the poor kid, a Christian friend convinces his parents that their being Masons and Shriners has brought "witchcraft" into their home and caused their son's condition. They burn all their lodge-related paraphernalia and the son miraculously recovers.[167]

Prime targets

Lesser targets

Conspicuously missing from that list

  • Eastern Orthodox Church — Although Russians and Greeks are mentioned now and then, their denomination is never brought into consideration, although many of their customs and traditions are very similar to those of the "pagan" Catholic Church: gradual salvation, rituals, priests, monks, mass, sacraments, "idolatry" icons, "worship" of Mary and saints, Inspired Holy Church fathers etc. One would think that Orthodoxy belongs to the Roman Catholic system (no mention of the Great Schism is ever made), but on the other hand, they are also an enemy of the Catholic Church, so maybe it was better to leave them out. Although it's more likely that Chick's worldview was so narrow that he didn't even notice the difference.
  • Japanese animation and manga — Considering his contempt for non-western cultures, one would think that Chick would have written a comic decrying the dangers of Japanese animation, or at the least taken a potshot at perennial favorite target Pokémon.
  • Lighthouses — Just as phallic as obelisks. Where was Chick on the phallic lighthouse menace?
  • Nazis — Not entirely true, he had a lot of material seemingly anti-Nazi, but he always blamed the Vatican for them. Sort of made worse in that one of his tracts that "uncovers" a Vatican conspiracy that blames Catholics for the Holocaust, he used the enormously bad phrase "those poor Nazis", when talking about how the Vatican left them holding the bag on that one. His book Smokescreens has a chapter on Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco as the Vatican's trinity of dictators with Father Coughlin the Vatican's pro-fascist voice in the U.S. He never published anything critical of Nazism in its own right without using it as a cover for his anti-Catholicism. It should go with mention that even here, Chick was at least less wrong than Pope Benedict XVI was in blaming Nazism on atheists.[198]
  • Oriental Orthodox ChurchWikipedia — Did Chick even know the difference between that and the Eastern Orthodox Church? In his defense, many if not most Americans don't. He erroneously described Ethiopia, a plurality Oriental Orthodox nation, as a Muslim country, though. He also blamed the "Alexandrian Cult" (the predecessor of today's Coptic Church) for corrupting the Bible during the first few centuries.
  • Scientology — One would think he would have done an anti-Scientology tract, but surprise!, he didn't. Of course, this is probably a good thing, since he would most likely have claimed Scientology like everything else is an invention of the Roman Catholic Church. Still, it's quite odd he didn't touch that subject at all. Maybe he feared a lawsuit from the CO$… that they could win.
  • Seventh-Day Adventist Church — You would think a religious movement having a prophet whose "visions" are treated as coming from God and which have influenced the theology would be viewed as suspicious and even heretical… maybe excepted if the anti-Catholic sector of this religion is also buying tracts.
  • Shrimp — Surely Chick could have found the time to alert the world to the fact that God hates shrimp.
  • Star Trek — A series that has a guy with pointed ears and arched eyebrows being portrayed as a good person just has to be the work of Satan! Also, the show encourages respecting the beliefs of other cultures and even endorses a policy forbidding pushing the Christian religion onto non-Christian cultures. And the show has made some comments critical of religion ("We all create God in our own image" in Star Trek I, for instance). Why was there no hate for this?
  • Star Wars — Oh, come on! The Force has to be satanic as it's about people having a supernatural power on their own that does not come from God. Plus those lightsabers are awfully phallic…
  • Steampunk — The awfully Chick-esque Disciples of the New Dawn did attack steampunk-ers, though. However, it's possible the Disciples of the New Dawn are actually a parody of Chick-style fundamentalism rather than a serious organization.
  • Video games — Despite the use of computers, Chick never created a tract attacking video games, particularly the ones similar to the Dungeons & Dragons' genre such as World of Warcraft and Guild Wars (that's probably a good thing as well, since he would have done some sort of Satanic conspiracy theory on video games).


See also

External links




  • Dead to Rites (Satire of "Last Rights" with Jack Chick himself in the primary role.)
  • Somebody Loves You?
  • The Good, The Bad, and the Fundy (Satire of "Gun Slinger" with some ideas from other tracts (such as "Poor Pope?") thrown in)
  • From during the week following his death:


  • Saturnalia. (Internet Archive) Web-based parody by Patrick Sean Farley. For mature readers. (Archived at the Internet Archive)
  • Why We're Here. Parody tract by Steve Ellis and Fred Van Lente, based on the Cthulhu mythos.
  • Chick Tract Satire. (Internet Archive) A collection of parodies.


  1. This photo was for a time believed to be the only photo of him on the web in his later years. Numerous other photos since his death have been made available on his website and his official biography.[2]
  2. His views on Judaism kinda zig-zagged all over the place. He did make a tract speaking out against Holocaust denialism and that God loves the Jews, but in said tract, a Holocaust survivor gives up his religion and becomes Christian.
  3. And to environmentalists as a waste of precious paper.
  4. Avro Manhattan, who wrote exposés against the Catholic Church, was apparently an atheist. Before Chick discovered him and reprinted a bunch of his books, his books had previously been published by Arno Press' Atheist Viewpoint series. Apparently the Catholic Church is enemy #1 to Chick, even more so than atheism.
  5. Chick was stuck in a time warp and hadn't discovered more recent music than rock.
  6. Note how Chick thinks that Ethiopia, a predominately Christian country, is an "Islamic nation" alongside Iran, Libya, and Turkey.
  7. Presumably after some dispensationalist manure still parroted to this day, that identifies the red dragon of the Book of Revelation with the former and the sun-clothed and star-crowned woman of the same part of the Bible with the latter.
  8. William Schnoebelen claims to be an ex-witch, ex-Satanist, ex-Mormon, ex-Freemason, ex-vampire, ex-member of the Illuminati, ex-member of "Palladium Masonry" (which is a hoax and doesn't even exist), ex-Ufologist, and claims to have a Masters in Theological Studies from the St. Francis School of Pastoral Ministry. Said Masters degree (from a Catholic college) was allegedly earned in 1980, during the same time he says he was a Mormon. During the time he says he was a witch he was attending another Catholic college. Chick probably doesn't see any contradictions here since he thinks the Vatican runs all these other "false" religions anyway. It's worthy noting that, apparently, Chick Publications' new chief, David W. Daniels, has expunged Schnoebelen's books from its website as of 2020, most probably because of Schnoebelen's authoring of an article defending a "Christian-friendly" form of Kabbalah[101] (which Schnoebelen even removed from his personal website after the likely negative reception from his Fundie fellows).
  9. Deinonychus antirrhopus (the only described species in its genus) was actually discovered in what is now the western United States. In addition, Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx may not have been ideal candidates for domestication as Velociraptor may have been solitary (meaning it would never see a human as part of its pack the way a dog does) and Archaeopteryx would have been more difficult to raise than a chicken due to its diet. Of course, the point still stands: if Chick's ludicrous proposal (that all animals ever to have existed were on Noah's Ark but the dinosaurs died due to a post-flood reduction in oxygen) was correct, non-avian dinosaurs would have still existed after the flood and many would likely still be extant.
  10. Incidentally, Blake didn't think highly of rationality, if the "god of Reason" UrizenWikipedia being the major antagonist of his poems is any indication.
  11. At least, according to Chick's website.
  12. Yes, Chick Publications is probably the only Evangelical publisher producing material in an constructed language.
  13. Pretty much every tract you can get your hands on.
  14. Jews get some sort of mixed treatment; they usually receive compliments as God's chosen people and even thinks everything that has gone bad with a government was because they crossed the Jews,[183] but also often are the only targets of blame for Jesus' crucifixion, and of course, they aren't chosen enough to escape God's wrath.[67]
  15. Chick had apparently been duped by John Todd into thinking that J.R.R. Tolkien and Lewis were both satanic authors. Recent editions excise the mention of Lewis; the original can be viewed here.
  16. Though, he was comparing it to the trainwreck adaptation "Dragonball: Evolution", so it's best to take this a grain of salt.


  1. — The Face of Chick?
  2. 2.0 2.1 You Don't Know Jack: The Authorized Biography of Christian Cartoonist Jack T. Chick by David W. Daniels (2021) Chick Publications. ISBN 0758911866.
  3. Far-Right Evangelical Cartoonist Who Hated Halloween Dies At Age 92 by Simon Brown (Oct 26, 2016) Americans United for Separation of Church and States.
  4. RIP Jack Chick, father of the Satanic Panic by Cory Doctorow 12:17 pm Mon Oct 24, 2016 BoingBoing.
  5. After Jack Chick’s Death, a Former Pentecostal Christian Recalls the “Fear Pamphlets” She Gave Out by Hemant Mehta, October 26, 2016, Friendly Atheist.
  6. Not another religious tract dissection, The Last Generation by Jack Chick] (May 18th, 2011) Boolean Union Studios.
  7. Jack T. Chick Was the Leni Riefenstahl of American Cartooning by Jeet Heer (Oct 27, 2016) New Republic.
  8. Biography of Jack Chick Chick Publications (archived from June 23, 2011). In turn, the Chinese lianhuanhua are inspired by American newspaper comic strips from the 1940s, and they often contained documentaries on agriculture production other than propaganda.
  9. Christian Comics Pioneers: Carter, Fred Christian Comics International.
  10. Out-of-Stock Titles Chick Publications (archived from February 16, 2018).
  11. Chick Mobile Tracts Chick Publications (archived from December 4, 2017).
  12. The Vatican Billions: Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age by Avro Manhattan (1983) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958166.
  13. Vietnam: Why Did We Go? by Avro Manhattan (1984) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958190.
  14. The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance by Avro Manhattan (1986) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958123.
  15. Catholic Terror in Ireland by Avro Manhattan (1988) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958271.
  16. The Priest, the Woman, and the Confessional by Chiniquy (1980) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958034.
  17. He Came to Set the Captives Free by Rebecca Brown (1986) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958255.
  18. Prepare for war by Rebecca Brown (1987) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958263.
  19. The Devil's Disciples: The Truth About Rock by Jeff Godwin (1985) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958239.
  20. Dancing with Demons: The Music's Real Master by Jeff Godwin (1988) Chick Publications. ISBN 093795828X.
  21. What's Wrong With Christian Rock? by Jeff Godwin (1990) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958360.
  22. El Colapso de la Evolución by Scott M. Huse (1996) Chick Publications. 2nd edition. ISBN 0937958492.
  23. How Life Began: Answers to My Evolutionist Friends by Thomas F. Heinze (2002) Chick Publications. ISBN 0758904797.
  24. The Next Step: For Growing Christians by Jack T. Chick (1973) Chick Publications. ISBN 0937958042.
  25. The Last Call: A Revival Handbook by Charles G. Finney & Jack T. Chick (1963) Chick Publications.
  26. Smokescreens by Jack T. Chick (1983) Chick Publications. ISBN 093795814X.
  27. A Solution To… The Marriage Mess by Jack T. Chick (1978) Chick Publications.
  28. Smokescreens: Who Is the Whore of Babylon, a Biblical and Historical Answer by Jack T. Chick YouTube.
  29. Closet Witches 1 by Rebecca Brown YouTube.
  30. Should a Christian Play Dungeons and Dragons? by William Schnoebelen (2001) Chick Publications.
  31. 32.0 32.1 Comics Chick Publications (archived from August 22, 2018).
  32. Tract Dissections: Jack Chick Comic Books
  33. Primal Man by Jack T. Chick (2007) Chick Publications.
  34. The Light of the World (2003) IMDb.
  35. The Light of the World YouTube.
  36. Killer Comics (2020) Monsterwax.
  37. Why No Revival? Chick Publications.
  38. 39.0 39.1 The Beast Chick Publications.
  39. 40.0 40.1 The Last Generation Chick Publications.
  40. Here He Comes! Chick Publications.
  41. 42.0 42.1 Ten Theses on Jack Chick (1989) Interesting Ideas.
  42. Holocaust Chick Publications.
  43. Mama's Girls Chick Publications.
  44. Why is Mary Crying? Chick Publications.
  45. Babylon Religion: How a Babylonian Goddess became the Virgin Mary by David W. Daniels (2006) Chick Publications. ISBN 9780758906311.
  46. 47.0 47.1 The Assignment Chick Publications.
  47. 48.0 48.1 48.2 Boo! Chick Publications.
  48. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Bewitched Chick Publications.
  49. 50.0 50.1 Where Did They Go? Chick Publications.
  50. 51.0 51.1 Evil Eyes Chick Publications.
  51. 52.0 52.1 This Was Your Life Chick Publications.
  52. Angel of Light Chick Publications.
  53. The Great Escape Chick Publications.
  54. That Old Devil 1989, out of print, via Chick Tracts.
  55. Somebody Goofed Chick Publications.
  56. Angels? Chick Publications.
  57. Flight 144.
  58. 59.0 59.1 Gun Slinger Chick Publications.
  59. The Hit Chick Publications.
  60. Chick Tract Review: Lisa (April 1, 2011 at 11:27 am) Jack Chick's Funnybook Gospel.
  61. Lisa, Chick Publications, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
  62. Alice Donut - Lisa's Father (Waka Baby) (28 May 2006) YouTube.
  63. 64.0 64.1 Trust Me Chick Publications.
  64. Uninvited Chick Publications.
  65. 20. Does God desire animal sacrifices? The Skeptic's Annotated Bible.
  66. 67.0 67.1 Where's Rabbi Waxman? Chick Publications.
  67. Comic list Chick Publications.
  68. Apocalypse Explained: Jerusalem by James Tabor (c. 2000) PBS: Frontline.
  69. It's Not Your Fault Chick Publications.
  70. 71.0 71.1 Fat Cats Chick Publications.
  71. The Crisis, Chick Publications
  72. Fatal Decision
  73. Love the Jewish People Chick Publications.
  74. That Crazy Guy Chick Publications.
  75. The Great Escape Chick Publications.
  76. The Bull Chick Publications.
  77. 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 Dark Dungeons Chick Publications.
  78. Spellbound? Chick Publications.
  79. Black Tract Series Chick Publications.
  80. Soul Story Chick Publications.
  81. Meet Jack Chick, A Conversation with the Granddaddy of the Anti-Catholic Comic Book Genre by Jimmy Akin (2004) Catholic Answers 15(4). Archived from March 5, 2016.
  82. Meet Fred Carter Chick Publications.
  83. The Last Generation Chick Publications'.
  84. #031 - The Last Generation (Tract Contents) (September 22nd, 2023) Boolean Union Studios.
  85. The Last Generation, 1972 (June 10, 2013) Tract Autopsies.
  86. #031 - The Last Generation (Tract Variations) (September 22nd, 2023) Boolean Union Studios.
  87. Jack Chick is dead by PZ Myers (24 October 2016) Freethought Blogs.
  88. Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Brother Jack Chick passed away Sunday evening, October 23, peacefully in his… by Chick Publications (10:21 AM - 24 Oct 2016) Twitter (archived from September 29, 2018).
  89. Brothers and Sisters in Christ (October 24, 2016) Chick Publications via Facebook (archived from February 21, 2023).
  90. Our beloved brother, Jack Chick, is now with the Lord. Chick Publications (archived from November 20, 2016).
  91. Chick Publications: You Don't Know Jack
  92. Sunk! Chick Publications.
  93. Adpoted Chick Publications.
  94. Jack Chick Goes to Heaven (October 27, 2016) The Nib.
  95. 96.0 96.1 Dead To Rights by Jim Huger, Jack T. Chick Parody Archive at
  96. Remembering Jack Chick: the Christian cartoonist who tried to save us from hell: The unapologetically fundamentalist artist, who died on Sunday, may be ‘the most widely read theologian in human history’ by Sam Thielman (25 Oct 2016 15.01 EDT) The Guardian.
  97. God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick (2008), review by Eric Walker, IMDb (archived from March 21, 2015).
  98. Loopy evangelical tracts land Singapore couple in jail by Barry Duke (June 15, 2009) The Freethinker (archived from June 17, 2009).
  99. Dark Dungeons - JonTron (Aug 28, 2016) YouTube.
  100. Qabalah or Kabbalah – Is It Occult? by William Schnoebelen (2012) Scribd (archived from April 29, 2021).
  101. 102.0 102.1 102.2 Big Daddy? Chick Publications.
  102. Chick Tracts - Big Daddy Comparison (Jan 12, 2013) YouTube.
  103. "The role of "Nebraska man" in the creation-evolution debate" by John Wolf & James S. Mellett (1985) Creation/Evolution 16:31-43. National Center for Science Education)
  104. Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters by Donald R. Prothero and Carl Buell (2007) Columbia University Press. ISBN 0231139624
  105. 106.0 106.1 Who's Your Daddy? Facts4U (January 6, 2010).
  106. An evolutionist's point by point counter argument to Big Daddy by Terrible Tommy (5.20.04) Jack T. Chick's Museum of Fine Art (archived from November 5, 2012).
  107. 108.0 108.1 There Go the Dinosaurs Chick Publications.
  108. Still No Revival? Chick Publications.
  109. What was it like to be on the losing side of England's Reformation? by Dennis Martin (1996) Christian History(14)48:4.
  110. It's Coming! Chick Publications.
  111. Global Warming Chick Publications.
  112. Jack Chick Is Dead but His Horrible, Ridiculous Cartoons Will Never Die by Sam Kriss (Oct 27, 2016) Vice.
  113. 'Are Roman Catholics Christians? Chick Publications.
  114. The Whore of Babylon, Catholic Answers (archived from June 23, 2005). Hint: It's the Roman Empire.
  115. The Chaplain (Jun 24, 2019) YouTube.
  116. Flight 144 Chick Publications.
  117. Somebody Goofed Chick Publications.
  118. Happy Halloween Chick Publications.
  119. Dark Dungeons official site
  120. RPGs are Evil - Dark Dungeons: The Movie! by JR Ralls (February 10, 2016) Kickstarter.
  121. Dark Dungeons (2014) IMDb.
  122. A Fearmongering Anti-RPG Comic Gets the Film Adaptation It Deserves. In the 30 years since its publication, a tiny 22-panel tract by evangelical cartoonist Jack Chick has become a cult classic among gamers. And now, it's getting an official, licensed film adaptation. by Rachel Edidin (May 20, 2014 6:30 AM) Wired.
  123. Littleshots Productions Presents: Two animations of Jack Chick's popular tract stories Chick Publications (archived from March 18, 2015).
  124. Why We're Here by Fred Van Lente and Steve Ellis (2000) Fred Van Lente.
  125. Head Shop or Dead Shop? by PJ O'Rourke (December 1974) National Lampoon 57. Via Patsy Walker Bondage Cover, Tumblr.
  126. Dark Dungeons From Gurbintroll Games DriveThruRPG.
  127. Somebody Loves You? (1995) Luciferian Liberation Front (archived from October 5, 2013).
  128. Somebody Loves Me Chick Publications.
  129. The Good, The Bad, and the Fundy by Psycho Dave (1998) Jack T. Chick Parody Archive at
  130. This Is Your Death. Jack T. Chick Parody Archive at
  131. Hot Chicks (2006) IMDb.
  132. Angels? Chick Publications.
  133. Wounded Children (Dec 9, 2016) YouTube.
  134. Hot Chicks: The Trailer (August 7, 2006) YouTube (archived from April 13, 2015).
  135. Galactus is Coming! by Your Mom’s Basement (c. 2008) (archived from 1 Dec 2013 00:36:55 UTC).
  136. Darkseid by Arrowette's Diary (Oct. 31st, 2007 @ 11:53 pm) LiveJournal.
  137. Friendly Atheist: Atheist Comedian David Cross Explains Why God Allows Innocent Children To Be Shot to Death by Hemant Mehta (August 8, 2016) Patheos.
  138. I Kill Children (September 2, 1980) Genius.
  139. Why No Revival by Jack Chick (1970) Chick Publications (archived).
  140. Jack T. Chick Lambiek Comiclopedia.
  141. Alice Donut - Lisa's Father (May 28, 2006) YouTube (archived from September 13, 2020).
  142. Chick Tract Review: Lisa by Jack Chick's Funnybook Gospel (April 1, 2011) WordPress.
  143. The Unofficial Guide to the Art of Jack T. Chick: Chick Tracts, Crusader Comics, And Battle Cry Newspapers by Kurt Kuersteiner (2004) Schiffer Publishing. ISBN 0764318926.
  144. God's Cartoonist: The Comic Crusade of Jack Chick (2008) IMDb.
  145. 5 Bizarre Parts of Christianity That Are Going Away Forever by Kristi Harrison (August 11, 2014)
  146. The Chick Tract Club (2.19.20) Monsterwax (archived from October 17, 2021).
  147. 148.0 148.1 148.2 Fairy Tales Chick Publications.
  148. ¡Esta Fue Tu Vida! Chick Publications.
  149. [आपका जीवन ऎसा था! Chick Publications.
  150. 이것이 당신의 삶이었습니다! Chick Publications.
  151. Jen Via Tuta Vivo! Chick Publications.
  152. It's Your Life Chick Publications.
  153. You Have a Date Chick Publications.
  154. [Your Big Moment Chick Publications.
  155. Your Best Life Chick Publications.
  156. The Poor Revolutionist Chick Publications.
  157. Creator or Liar? Chick Publications.
  158. The Sissy? Chick Publications.
  159. A Demon's Nightmare Chick Publications.
  160. The Mad Machine Chick Publications.
  161. The Death Cookie Chick Publications.
  162. 163.0 163.1 Angels? Chick Publications.
  163. 164.0 164.1 Wounded Children (December 26th, 2017) Boolean Union Studios.
  164. Doom Town Chick Publications.
  165. The Gay Blade Chick Publications.
  166. 167.0 167.1 167.2 That's Baphomet? Chick Publications.
  167. Who Murdered Clarice? Chick Publications.
  168. Baby Talk Chick Publications.
  169. The Attack Chick Publications.
  170. The Poor Revolutionary Chick Publications
  171. Still No Revival? Chick Publications.
  172. Good Ol' Boys Chick Publications.
  173. The Unwelcome Guest Chick Publications.
  174. 175.0 175.1 175.2 175.3 175.4 Global Warming Chick Publications.
  175. The Trick Chick Publications
  176. The Devil's Night Chick Publications.
  177. The Nervous Witch Chick Publications.
  178. The Traitor Chick Publications.
  179. Birds And The Bees Chick Publications.
  180. Sin City Chick Publications.
  181. The Crisis Chick Publications.
  182. Love The Jewish People Chick Publications.
  183. The Visitors Boolean Union Studios.
  184. The Enchanter Chick Publications.
  185. Allah Had No Son Chick Publications.
  186. Crazy Wolf Chick Publications.
  187. The True Path Chick Publications.
  188. Moving on up! Chick Publications.
  189. Gladys Chick Publications.
  190. Logo of the band Bad Religion Logonoid.
  191. Big Daddy? Chick Publications.
  192. God With Us Chick Publications.
  193. The Poor Little Witch Chick Publications.
  194. New EU President Touts 'Global Governance' (January/February 2010) Chick Publications.
  195. 196.0 196.1 The Tycoon Chick Publications.
  196. Here Kitty Kitty! Chick Publications.
  197. Pope Benedict XVI goes to war with 'atheist extremism': Pope uses visit to argue Nazi desire to eradicate God led to the Holocaust and Britain should respect its Christian foundations by Sam Jones et al. (16 Sep 2010 15.08 EDT) The Guardian.
  198. The Pilgrimage Chick Publications.
  199. Gomez is Coming Chick Publications.
  200. 201.0 201.1 The Execution Chick Publications.
  201. Heart Trouble Chick Publications.
  202. It's All About You Chick Publications.