Conservapedia:Summa Homosexualita
Summa Homosexualita is a work in progress by Ken DeMyer, which aims to not-so-concisely document every quote or figure critical of homosexuality. DeMyer has broken his very poorly written, rambling, and non-sequitur-laden opus magnum into numerous sections, each generally consisting entirely of an out-of-context quote or quotes from someone who is far from an expert on the subject. Whether this obsessive writing is the result of highly suppressed homosexuality is unknown.
From a quick survey of 500 of Ken's edits during a short period in 2007, 447 (89.4%) related to homosexuality. This is counting only those edits to articles with titles and edit summaries that relate to homosexuality, and edits to images that are only used in articles complying with the previous condition.
Though DeMyer doesn't deny being homosexually inclined himself, he won't confirm such suspicions either. Much as he claims he isn't Kdbuffalo, by neither confirming nor denying.
In November 2007, Ken DeMyer's Summa Homosexualita became the subject of intense interest by internet bloggers when 9 of the top 10 most-viewed articles on Conservapedia were concerned with homosexuality-related topics, the only one not related to homosexuality being the home page.
Note: Not all are the work of Conservative, though the vast majority are.
- cp:Homosexuality
- cp:Homosexuality and AIDS
- cp:Homosexuality and alcoholism
- cp:Homosexuality and Anal Cancer
- cp:Homosexuality and Australia
- cp:Homosexuality and bestiality
- cp:Homosexuality and the Bible
- cp:Homosexuality and biblical interpretation
- cp:Homosexuality and Canada
- cp:Homosexuality and choice
- cp:Homosexuality and Christianity
- cp:Homosexuality and disease
- cp:Homosexuality and English Speaking Countries
- cp:Homosexuality and Genetics
- cp:Homosexuality and Gonorrhea
- cp:Homosexuality and health
- cp:Homosexuality in Nazi Germany
- cp:Homosexuality and Hepatitis
- cp:Homosexuality and Illegal Drug Use
- cp:Homosexuality and Islam (Deleted)
- cp:Homosexuality and Judaism (Deleted)
- cp:Homosexuality and the Military (Deleted)
- cp:Mental Health and Homosexuality
- cp:Homosexuality and life expectancy
- cp:Homosexuality and MRSA
- cp:Homosexuality and Murders
- cp:Homosexuality and obesity
- cp:Homosexuality and Parasites
- cp:Homosexuality and polygamy
- cp:Homosexuality and Promiscuity (Deleted and redirected to Homosexuality)
- cp:Homosexuality and Religion (Deleted)
- cp:Homosexuality and Religious Liberty
- cp:Homosexuality and Scotland
- cp:Homosexuality and smoking
- cp:Homosexuality and Religious Liberty
- cp:Homosexuality and Syphilis
- cp:Homosexuality and the United Kingdom
- cp:Homosexuality and the United States
- cp:Homosexuality in animals myth
- cp:Homosexuality in History (renamed and redirected to "History of Homosexuality)
- cp:Homosexuality in Schools
- cp:Homosexuality in sports
- cp:Homosexuality in the media
- cp:Homosexuality in the military (a previous cp:Homosexuality and the Military was deleted)
- cp:Homosexuality laws (lowercase)
- cp:Homosexuality Laws (uppercase)
- cp:Homosexuality obsession
- cp:Homosexuality quotes
- cp:Homosexuality Research
- cp:Homosexuality Statistics
- cp:Homosexual act
- cp:Homosexual activists and abortion
- cp:Homosexual Adoption Scandal
- cp:Homosexual Agenda
- cp:Homosexual attraction
- cp:Homosexual behavior
- cp:Homosexual belief system
- cp:Homosexual circuit parties and disease
- cp:Homosexual Couples and Domestic Violence
- cp:Homosexual deception
- cp:Homosexual denial
- cp:Homosexual fantasies
- cp:Homosexual Gnostic
- cp:Homosexual habits
- cp:Homosexual Historical Revisionism
- cp:Homosexual intimidation
- cp:Homosexual lifestyle
- cp:Homosexual logic
- cp:Homosexual Men
- cp:Homosexual narcissism
- cp:Homosexual orientation
- cp:Homosexual Parenting
- cp:Homosexual pedophilia
- cp:Homosexual politics
- cp:Homosexual Public Indecency Tolerated in San Francisco
- cp:Homosexual rights advocacy
- cp:Homosexual suicide
- cp:Homosexual unions
- cp:Homosexuals and diversity
- cp:Homosexuals and society
- cp:Homosexuals and the Holocaust
- cp:ACT-UP
- cp:Americans For Truth
- cp:Anti-homosexuality blogs
- cp:Arguments Against Homosexuality
- cp:Articles on Homosexuality
- cp:Atheism and Homosexuality
- cp:Bill O'Reilly and the homosexuality issue
- cp:Causes of Homosexuality
- cp:Evangelical Homosexual
- cp:Ex-homosexuals
- cp:Ex-Homosexual Quotes (Deleted)
- cp:Fox News and homosexuality
- cp:Gay
- cp:Gay bathhouses (originally cp:Homosexual bathhouses and disease)
- cp:Gay Bomb
- cp:Gay bowel syndrome
- cp:Gay Christian Movement Watch
- cp:Gay cupid
- cp:Gay disease
- cp:Gay heroism
- cp:Gay identity
- cp:Gay pride
- cp:Gay rights movement
- cp:Gay violence
- cp:Greek Homosexuality
- cp:Heterophobia
- cp:Homophobia
- cp:Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group of Boston
- cp:Internalized homophobia
- cp:In the closet
- cp:Journal of Homosexuality
- cp:Latent Homosexuality
- cp:Legitimize homosexuality
- cp:Lesbianism
- cp:Lesbianism and obesity
cp:Lesbianism and Guys Who Like to Watch- cp:Leviticus 18
- cp:Mental Health and Homosexuality
- cp:Militant gays
- cp:National Association for Research and Therapy on Homosexuality
- cp:National Coming Out Day
- cp:National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
- cp:New Testament and homosexuality
- cp:Outing (homosexuality)
- cp:Overcoming homosexuality
- cp:Prominent homosexual activist Frank Kameny's comments on bestiality
- cp:Queer Nation
- cp:Queer theory
- cp:Religious Upbringing and Culture Affects Rates of Homosexuality
- cp:Reparative therapy
- cp:Roman Homosexuality
- cp:Roman Catholic Church and Homosexual Activists (Deleted)
- cp:Same-sex civil union
- cp:Same-sex couple
- cp:Sexual abuse being a contributing factor for homosexuality
- cp:Sinfulness of homosexuality
- cp:Speechless: Silencing the Christians
- cp:Stonewall Riots
- cp:St. Patrick's Cathedral and Homosexual Activists (deleted)
- cp:Study that compared domestic violence between lesbian couples and married women (Nice title)
- cp:Teenage homosexuality
- cp:The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
- cp:Token gay
- cp:Views on Homosexuality
cp:The cute looking guy in the apartment across the streetcp:Homosexuality and telescopescp:Homosexual birthday party clownscp:Andy Schlafly's homosexual older brother John Schlafly
Fun facts[edit]
Not including the "footnotes" section, or anything below it, the article on homosexuality is roughly 120 pages double-spaced in 12-point font. This rivals the length of many dissertations. How's that for concise?
See also[edit]
- User:NightFlare/Homosexuality (WARNING: Very, very long.)