Talk:Anatoly Karlin

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This Alt-right related article has been awarded SILVER status for quality. We like it, and you should too! See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.

Editorial notes
  • This article and the associated talk page have been subject to long-term disruption by Anatoly Karlin on suspected sockpuppets and almost certainly meatpuppets who repeatedly claims he has changed his political views and requests for an article deletion despite Karlin voted against his article being deleted in April 2018. Revert the edits if you see them being made and ignore him.
Icon sociology.svg This article contains information about one or more living persons.

Articles about living people must be handled carefully, because they are more open to legal threats.
Reference any contentious allegations solidly; unreferenced allegations should be removed.
If legal threats are raised on this page, please direct the potential litigant to RationalWiki:Legal FAQ; do not interact with them.

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