Talk:Gish Gallop

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"Abusers of this technique" section: Only right-wingers?[edit]

I noticed this section only lists right-wingers. I know from experience talking with no-name internet debaters that right-wingers are not the only ones guilty of this; This isn't a right-wing issue, this is a human being issue :-) Unfortunately I know of no big names who've done this, nor do I know where to begin finding them, or I would add them myself.

For the sake of being un-biased, could someone please make a point of adding them as you encounter them? And mixed together, not way down at the bottom of the list, buried underneath a Gish Gallop-y list of right-wingers ;-)

Without some balance, this list is likely guilty of bias.22:26, 12 August 2014‎ — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

Random BoN comment #1872[edit]

Link in the article is dead. — Unsigned, by: / talk

"Proof by Verbosity" is not the same thing as "Gish Gallop"[edit]

I am removing "proof by verbosity" as an "also known as" for gish gallop. while i see there is one wordpress site (the reference) that claims that the two are teh same, the wordpress site is wrong (not consistent with other sites). Sites such as various pages of logical fallacies claim (essentially )that "proof by verbosity" is when *an argument* is either too lengthy or loaded with jargon to be able to be responded to in real time. Contrast this with the gish gallop which is the presenting of multiple relatively simple arguments to overwhelm the responder in that way. The two are clearly not the same.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

Why does the library of hate not count?[edit]

It seems like a pretty pathetic attempt to collect a bunch of out of context statistics to push whatever fascist agenda the author had. I don't see why it doesn't count as an example, especially since it's probably the largest collection on the entire list.--GekoNeko (talk) 21:33, 9 May 2020 (UTC)

Besides of the Einstein example[edit]

Did anyone ever try to explicitly call out Gish Gallopers?--Max Sinister (talk) 06:12, 20 April 2023 (UTC)

Thank you![edit]

I am new here, and am overjoyed to have found RationalWiki.

I did not even know this had a name until now, and the whole site is a revelation.

Thank you to the creator/s who founded it and to all the contributors.

3rd-Punic-War (talk) 23:07, 23 June 2024 (UTC)