Talk:Mike Pence

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Pence and Dominionism[edit]

Does anyone have a good source or two backing up the statements that Pence wants to get rid of the separation of church and state and that he has associated with dominionists? I can't find any myself. Menoshe (talk) 22:01, 14 June 2017 (UTC)

Global Warming Contradiction[edit]

At the end of the Bio section is says Mike Pence believes the consensus on global warming but in the Global Warming section is says he believes it is a myth. Which is it? (talk) 16:46, 7 April 2019 (UTC)

Mike Pence's current public stance is occasionally acknowledging that humans are affecting the climate, but in a half-assed way, certainly not a way that one does anything about it (the better to appease his extraction industry corporate masters). In 2001, Mike Pence did say "Global warming is a myth" on his campaign website. So there has been a small evolution of his public stance in recent years. PanGalacticGargleBlaster (talk) 15:55, 8 February 2021 (UTC)

Pence pic[edit]

Say, can we use this pic for Pence's page?

It looks really funny. Arcadium Trancefer (talk) 21:48, 16 January 2024 (UTC)