Talk:Tony Blair

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London Assembly[edit]

"London Assembly - since the UK was already one of the most overcentralised states in Europe, giving London more power and money seems a mixed blessing. On the other hand, London had had no city-wide governance since the Greater London Council was abolished in 1986."

Why exactly this can't be in the "Like" section? -- (talk) 01:46, 26 March 2017 (UTC)


TB was on the air earlier this week.

His teeth were #incredibly# discoloured (especially given that he has the money to get them fixed). (talk) 09:27, 7 April 2017 (UTC)

Tony needs braces[edit]

Dental plan! Reverend Black Percy (talk) 10:26, 7 April 2017 (UTC)

Gender Recognition Act[edit]

I have thought of this for a few days I always found Blair's transphobia Ironic given that his government enacted the GRA in the first place. But I asked Philosophy Tube about it the other day and she said that Blair had to be forced to pass it by the european court of human rights That makes it less ironic and more unsuprising and I think that should be mentioned on the page as i think it fits the site's mission. (talk) 11:02 pm 30 July 2023 (AEST)


I think this needs updating as he has had a comeback through puppetering Keir Starmer & influincing his descisions. He was party pariah for a while but now unfortunatly it's the left that have his spot now. Which I wouldn't mind if the blarites gave a shit about trans people but they are anti woke fatheads and anti trans bigots so here we are anyway i think this bit needs updating — Unsigned, by: Yacob01 / talk / contribs

Law change[edit]

@YISUN didn't the 2003 Act specifically make it so women couldn't be found guilty of rape? Chillpilled (talk) 19:10, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

It introduced the offence of "engaging in sexual activity without consent", which is identical to rape in every way, including sentencing, but can be committed by a woman; previously there had been no offence equivalent to rape that a woman could be found guilty of, only lesser offences like SA. I put "rape" because it was simpler than explaining the full legal difference.--YISUN (talk) 09:52, 11 July 2024 (UTC)