Talk:Wife with a Purpose

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This Alt-right related article has been assessed as SIGNIFICANTLY PROBLEMATIC in one or more ways. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.

This article requires attention for the following reason(s):
  • Requires update; according to her blog she has largely abandoned most social media platforms.
Icon sociology.svg This article contains information about one or more living persons.

Articles about living people must be handled carefully, because they are more open to legal threats.
Reference any contentious allegations solidly; unreferenced allegations should be removed.
If legal threats are raised on this page, please direct the potential litigant to RationalWiki:Legal FAQ; do not interact with them.

Had the sense not to use 'Wife with a mission'. (talk) 19:50, 18 December 2017 (UTC)


Ayla Stewart she is now known as but she also uses the names Ayla Erin Donnelly Stewart and Ayla E. Stewart. She used to use the names Ayla Serenemoon Israel or just Ayla Serenemoon.

Under some of these names such as Ayla Serenemoon she was a former pagan interested in Mormonism and ritual magick (2008-2010). She gave weird lectures "Heavenly Mothers: Magick, the Divine Feminie, and Homebirth [1]. According to another website "Here, Ayla gives accounts of Joseph Smith’s birth that describe him as born with a veil, or in the caul, which at the time was a sign that the child was born with special gifts of psychic abilities." [2] Anti-Fascist for life (talk) 21:39, 18 December 2017 (UTC)

Possible twitter ban[edit]

Utah blogger, who linked alt-right arguments to Mormon faith, thinks she’s about to be purged from Twitter Anti-Fascist for life (talk) 18:23, 19 December 2017 (UTC)