Template talk:Infobox YouTube User

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This is silly and as Foster said, makes us look like a WWwhatever wiki. TyAnnoy 16:41, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

If we want an info box, we do NOT need the "size of my willy subscriptions, or the "arch enemies". it's childish and very, *sterotypically* "american teen maleish"Pink mowse.pngGodotGrow a vagina 17:02, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
If there would only be a way to delete/rename paragraphs you think are nuisance ... -- DasRationalpersone Socks cat 1.JPG (Annoy me!) 17:39, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

Wait a minute[edit]

Was it deleted just because of two (I admit rather clumsy named) paragraphs I could easily renamed/deleted in a matter of seconds? -- DasRationalpersone Socks cat 1.JPG (Annoy me!) 08:25, 18 February 2012 (UTC)

... Because if it was, that's seriously fucked up. -- DasRationalpersone Socks cat 1.JPG (Annoy me!) 14:56, 19 February 2012 (UTC)

Because Foster hates the youtubers and everyone else is merely indifferent. Scarlet A.pngtheist 15:08, 19 February 2012 (UTC)

Still, I think only "archenemy" was really problematic. If it was only because he hated it, that's not a reason enough to delete it. -- DasRationalpersone Socks cat 1.JPG (Annoy me!) 15:28, 19 February 2012 (UTC)
So ... Can I rewrite it? -- DasRationalpersone Socks cat 1.JPG (Annoy me!) 19:03, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
No. Тycommunications wire 19:06, 23 February 2012 (UTC)