I'm snowed in.

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I'm snowed in.

No work, but fuck, i can't even get any good alchol going.

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage22:43, 22 December 2011

Obviously, global warming is a hoax.

PintOfStout Talk Good people drink good beer.22:48, 22 December 2011

I've known that for years. It's cold in Colorado! if GW were true, we would not have snow. ever.

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage22:51, 22 December 2011

GW is like Santa - it's only true if a sufficient density of people believe in it.

On a related subject, can I have some of your snow?

Peter talk, or type, or whatever...22:56, 22 December 2011

DONATE SOME SNOW OVER HERE! I was literally in t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops yesterday shopping for Christmas presents. It feels wrong!

Dumpling (talk)23:09, 22 December 2011

You at least have it warm, over here we've got the worst of two worlds: now snow, no sun, just rain and very cold winds. Damn, I want my mountains back.

ʤɱ digital native23:23, 22 December 2011

I felt that way when I lived in Galveston, and Seattle. Just icky winters. No snow, but not hot enough to really make up for it.

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage23:35, 22 December 2011

Well, last winter we got 15cm of snow (I'm from an area were 2m is pretty normal) and the natives went insane, busses and subways stopped running for a day… I had a great laugh about them trying to deal with and failing horribly, but this isn't even funny anymore.

ʤɱ digital native23:41, 22 December 2011

If global warming is a hoax, that means a good skiing season!

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)00:56, 23 December 2011

That means we have a captive audience. *Twirls evil mustache* Bwahahahaha!

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.23:52, 22 December 2011
I have a lap top.  my captivity is only as far as my imagination lets it be.
Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage00:27, 23 December 2011

Not an ounce of snow here in Washington, despite predictions. Lots of frost though, so liburals can't use this to prove global warming.

Mr. Anon (talk)01:43, 23 December 2011

No snow in the UK so far, so travel has been a breeze. And I got free alcohol on account of staying with the in-laws for a week. So I've been in the opposite situation. So consider this bragging... at least until Janurary when the whether hits as usual.

Scarlet A.pnggnostic01:50, 28 December 2011