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Is not for that.

Well, how else am I going to draw people to my game of Nomic? The problem is that my game is going to wither and die. I would like to know how to promote my game (my signature hasn't attracted anyone to the game yet) without disrupting RW to illustrate a point?

Bootmiiwanna play nomic? 02:25, 5 May 2012

Well isn't that quite the conundrum?


Make a thread in the Saloon Bar, don't constantly bump it. Also, use flamboyant edit summaries that people can see in recent changes.

I must say, though, that hosting a game on RationalWiki is a rather infuriating use of server space. Not that there are any reports of server space shortage, but come on. You can instead get a free wiki on a wikifarm and have people join from here if you wish. That would be more palatable to the site's user base.

Of course, the general policy on user space here is that you can do whatever you want with it, but that doesn't mean people will like it. One person, Civic Cat, used his user space to host a listing of music videos with barefooted women (only after everybody decried its inclusion in fun space).

"Shut up, Brx."02:54, 5 May 2012

Don't abuse the intercom, or you will lose the ability to use it.

ADtalkModerator03:02, 5 May 2012