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Wow. You're a really hateful piece of work, aren't you? Next time I'm passed-out-drunk I'll try to remember to do better at taking responsibility for what happens to me.

If you pass out and someone has sex with you, that is rape.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:50, 19 February 2013

Well, I'm glad your feminism is radical enough to embrace the idea that you can't fuck unconscious people. Maybe soon we'll get you to understand that alcohol impairs judgement, and therefore drunk people cannot give consent. Hope springs eternal.

Yeah, no shit. I'm sure even the Republicans understand that. Alcohol impairs judgment, yet it's more like hypnotism; you're more likely to do things you wouldn't normally do, but you don't do anything you're extremely opposed to.

By your argument, men who rape women while drunk are not responsible for their actions and consequently should not be punished.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:00, 19 February 2013

No, because consent to having something done to you isn't the same thing as responsibility for what you do.

And what if two drunk people having sex? Are they both raping each other? And what about the thousands of people who willingly have sex while drunk? To call that rape would be degrading to the tragedy and seriousness of rape.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:07, 19 February 2013