Email, please confirm receipt

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:PeterL/LQT
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Do tell what it is, Peter, this sounds interesting.

Blue (pester)04:22, 27 June 2012

And deny you the fun of working it out for yourself? So much for Sherlock...

Peter Urist for Mod!04:27, 27 June 2012

Forget it, I'll just forward her the email I sent you. Maybe she'll take me up on the offer, lol

User:Brxbrx/sig04:29, 27 June 2012

Given that you have linked to the list of "Ninjas," I am going to speculate that Brxbrx wants some edits made in bot mode so that they are invisible on Recent Changes.

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX04:30, 27 June 2012


Peter Urist for Mod!04:31, 27 June 2012

You can show bot edits in RC anyway. Anyone who feels responsible for "patrolling" (for lack of a better word) RC should have that filter off by default, and only switch it on briefly as a filter should there be any extensive bot work going on at the time. And unless you plan on doing genuine extensive bot work - the list of people who do that is about 3 names long - then there's no need for ninja rights to be granted.

Scarlet A.pngd hominem13:55, 27 June 2012