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Clearly! A nice Sex-Positive Feminists should have all of those. (well, cept the sister, that's not really in his control).

What type of sex-positive feminists do you look for, and i can send my single friends along. Well, if you live in Denver or Paris. otherwise, they'd have to fly out to you. heh.

Pink mowse.pngGodotEn live21:57, 1 January 2012

I don't think that'd work out so well -- I'm a socially awkward fifteen-year-old boy with virtually no self-esteem and a tendency to make self-deprecating statements.

Fuckertalk to me :D|see my shit22:00, 1 January 2012

you're fiveteen? jaw drops. Damn.

How did you get yourself so "mature sounding". ;-)

ok, i don't know any teen girls, sorry.

Pink mowse.pngGodotEn live22:03, 1 January 2012

The age for maturity is dropping every year. This wiki is filled with teenage "aspie fascists" really.

Peter Urist for Mod!(MW)22:07, 1 January 2012

I think it's just because the Internet has given shy fuckwads like me an outlet and form of socialization. It's like the new DnD, only a little less geeky.

Fuckertalk to me :D|see my shit22:09, 1 January 2012

Well, don't tell MC - I may be over his "ban all members underneath the age of 16" rule, but you're not. :P

Peter Urist for Mod!(MW)22:16, 1 January 2012

Oh my God, that Constitution is glorious.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.23:58, 1 January 2012

only in some ways. I no longer teach at Uni, but I have friends who stuck it out, and they say that while teens may be getting more mature faster, they don't actually figure out how to become independent adults.

That is, at Uni, parents call my friends to tell them they are grading wrong; the parents intervene in housing situations (I don't like my room mate, fix it); parents are their holding the hands of kids as they decide what classes to take; and they clean up the kid's messes.

School was never like that for us. (I was in college 84-2001). We dealt with our choices, tried our best - we did ask for advice, but not "help". parents never called the school to intervene, unless something extremely serious happened. (I heard of one professor who was molesting the girls, so that kind of thing, sure.)

so maybe they aren't allowed to be kid kids long enough, so when it's time to become adults, they aren't ready? or parents just coddle. not sure which.

Pink mowse.pngGodotEn live22:13, 1 January 2012

That sounds about right. I'd say it's a little more the former than the latter, but I wouldn't really know.

Peter Urist for Mod!(MW)22:17, 1 January 2012

Trust me, I'm far more immature than I like to make myself sound at times.

Fuckertalk to me :D|see my shit22:07, 1 January 2012