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Rejection of the Universal Mind is a similarity between atheism and Satanism, though as Satan is nonexistant, it is a moot point. I'll grant you that.

Talsley (talk)20:59, 17 November 2011

moots make such good points, don't they?

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa21:00, 17 November 2011

I think the switch flipped on the troll from "wingnut mode" to "Deepak Chopra mode."

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)23:05, 21 November 2011

The single best way to make trolls go away, I've found, is to out troll them.

Moots are such cuties, if you ever see one. But they are quite sharp with all those points!

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa23:11, 21 November 2011

As long as he doesn't start in on the quantum consciousness bunk.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)23:12, 21 November 2011

Honey, I'm old and been in the field of REligion for a very long time (including reading someone's master's dissertation on Eastern Religion and Quantum physics -- what "in" in the early 90s).

I can out woo anyone who tries me!

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa23:17, 21 November 2011

Geez, I'm guessing his thesis adviser was not in the physics department.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)23:22, 21 November 2011

OH GOD NO! it was so fucking new age. I was hooked at the time, cause it **sounded** all sciency and all. Till I actually read a thing or two about real QM. The book "the Tao of Physics" started the whole thing. some day, if you feel like a good masochistic moment, read it. you'll never ever forgive yourself.

And this was all over the place in academics. None of us actually knocked on the PHysics doors -- if we did, we would be eviscerated. The really bad thing, is The Tao of Phsics is not only bad physics, it's really bad Taoism...

but it sold.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa23:37, 21 November 2011

Chopra is a Commie sell out. He mass markets fragments of true wisdom to gullible hippies.

Talsley (talk)00:41, 22 November 2011

hilluable guppies?

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:32, 22 November 2011

The Commies protesting capitalism by wallowing in their own filth in New York.

Talsley (talk)01:37, 22 November 2011

The Swine!

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:39, 22 November 2011

I bet the other people who oppress me here are still slim enough to move, albeit barely, to that park.

Talsley (talk)01:42, 22 November 2011

True, oppression is best done by the obese. They have more girth to oppress with.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:43, 22 November 2011

Still not on a government scooter?

Talsley (talk)01:45, 22 November 2011

I try. I eat my weight in chocolate. but no go. Next time, maybe

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:48, 22 November 2011

You disgust me. I bet your protogee is just as bad.

Talsley (talk)01:51, 22 November 2011

I've got about 50 in my garage, you can have one. All provided by Medicare using my thousands of aliases. I keep a stock of food stamps in the cupboard as well, next to my gold and Social Security dough.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)01:52, 22 November 2011

I disgust everyone. I don't like showers, you see.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:54, 22 November 2011

Wen the plants start growing in you hair, I'd like a picture.

Talsley (talk)01:56, 22 November 2011

Too greasy for plants. I grow mold.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:00, 22 November 2011

Enjoy being bald.

Talsley (talk)02:02, 22 November 2011

I've tried it, but that too never worked.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:06, 22 November 2011

A woman without hair is a sad sight.

Talsley (talk)02:07, 22 November 2011

Welfare King.

Talsley (talk)01:55, 22 November 2011

Dont talk to my baby daddy like that/1

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:57, 22 November 2011

And what, is Blue girl your daughter?

Talsley (talk)01:57, 22 November 2011
Edited by author.
Last edit: 02:18, 22 November 2011

I'd take that as a no, she seemed slightly more articulate.

Тytalk02:16, 22 November 2011

Don't answer for others. What are you, her son?

Talsley (talk)02:17, 22 November 2011

Yeah, we're all one big screwed up family.

Тytalk02:19, 22 November 2011

I highly doubt it, though it seems slightly plausible. I think you're pulling my leg.

Talsley (talk)02:21, 22 November 2011


Тytalk02:23, 22 November 2011

Leave this conversation if you have nothing valuable to say.

Talsley (talk)02:24, 22 November 2011

Are you talking to yourself?

Тytalk02:25, 22 November 2011

Are we doing an adopt a kid? Can Godot be my mommy?

Dumpling (talk)03:07, 22 November 2011

If you'd buy me the ticket I could go there, although I don't want to move there - I'd lose my right to be sick and stay alive!

ʤɱ kant01:51, 22 November 2011

You have lived your life off government cheese.

Talsley (talk)01:52, 22 November 2011

Indeed. Screw him...and Stephen Hawking too! That commie bastard!

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)01:54, 22 November 2011

I've never seen why people were so interested in Hawking.

Talsley (talk)01:55, 22 November 2011

yeah, all those smart people think they are so smart.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:57, 22 November 2011

Hawking is just churning out technobabble so atheists don't feel guilty.

Talsley (talk)01:59, 22 November 2011

Indoctrination by pointy-headed Marxist academics, dur.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)01:57, 22 November 2011

as if it were rocket science or something, sheesh

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:00, 22 November 2011

Rocket scientists keep us safe.

Talsley (talk)02:01, 22 November 2011

Rocket scientsts are chavs. just ask teh Misfits

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:07, 22 November 2011

I don't think she will get that reference. ;)

ʤɱ kant02:18, 22 November 2011

I'm shocked you got the reference. :-)

"fohking nazis" - Kelly

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:24, 22 November 2011

Yeah, I facepalmed over that episode so hard I have a handprint on my forehead. So... many… things… inacurate!

ʤɱ kant02:26, 22 November 2011

like there's something accurate about 5 'kids' getting super powers. ;-)

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:33, 22 November 2011

yyummm... "cheese product'. ahhh, the french can take their stinky cheese, i'll stick with yellow cheese product.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:56, 22 November 2011

That's plastic.

Talsley (talk)01:56, 22 November 2011

plastic yellow cheese product. the stuff of my dreams.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa01:58, 22 November 2011

Your digestive system must be mangled beyond all recognition.

Talsley (talk)02:00, 22 November 2011

I eat tea for brekfast. solid tea.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:02, 22 November 2011


Talsley (talk)02:03, 22 November 2011

someone dared me to.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:08, 22 November 2011

That's a stupid reason. If I dared you to eat wood would you do it?

Talsley (talk)02:11, 22 November 2011

Probably. but only if you are uber cool and i'm trying to impress you with my vampire lore.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:22, 22 November 2011

Vampires aren't real.

Talsley (talk)02:23, 22 November 2011

Mind == blown

Тytalk02:24, 22 November 2011

Actually I have also eaten a lot of sausages and bred.

ʤɱ kant01:59, 22 November 2011

Meat is murder.

Talsley (talk)01:59, 22 November 2011

murder is meat. I love the equals effect of copulas.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:03, 22 November 2011

It is not reversible. I don't know of any gangs that are cannibalistic.

Talsley (talk)02:04, 22 November 2011

it necessarily is. a = b, therefor b=a

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:08, 22 November 2011

I don't follow.

Talsley (talk)02:12, 22 November 2011

it's ok dear. you passed 5th grade, that's good enough

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:18, 22 November 2011

For your information, I graduated from high school over 50 years ago.

Talsley (talk)02:19, 22 November 2011

oh.... that explains a lot. the mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:21, 22 November 2011

Yet yours is completely wasted.

Talsley (talk)02:22, 22 November 2011

PETA-activist! Stinking hippie!

ʤɱ kant02:08, 22 November 2011

PETA are hopeless. They pander to hollywood types and other leftists.

Talsley (talk)02:12, 22 November 2011

Well, what do 'ya say Peta from Boston just wants to be famous!

ʤɱ kant02:13, 22 November 2011

i dont even get the reference.

Pink mowse.pngGodotSome would use a tautology to describe it ("The way things are done around here is the wa02:21, 22 November 2011

In Boston accent -er becomes an -a, making Peta out of a Peter.

ʤɱ kant02:23, 22 November 2011