Smooth, really...?

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Didn't you know Santana was Satanic?

Тytalk20:43, 7 November 2011


Dumpling (talk)20:49, 7 November 2011

I always love the dialogue and acting in these things. "Jeff, turn down that Rock music" "oh mom, get off my back. A guy can't get any privacy around here".

yep, that's how I talked to my dad when i was 15 you betcha.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.20:57, 7 November 2011

It gets worse.

Тytalk21:00, 7 November 2011

I'm sure! And I can't wait. It's not like I have any real work to do or any editing that should take me away from Rock and Roll and Satan.

maybe he'll make me turn gay.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.21:02, 7 November 2011

Well when your done with that, there's this.

Тytalk21:03, 7 November 2011

Was this your life before college or something?

Scarlet A.pngpathetic15:27, 8 November 2011

Thank you Disney Channel for raping everything that is good and holy about the world. Those shots of kids all shouting "don't touch me!!" is pretty fucking hot!

Scarlet A.pngbomination15:46, 8 November 2011

My dad owns about 200 records. Course we couldn't listen to them until I was 15.

Тytalk15:53, 8 November 2011


Scarlet A.pngbomination12:27, 8 November 2011
Have you ever seen a rock concert on TV... how does the audience react to the music? Well, do they just sit quietly in their seats and listen?, they were all a mess, swaying and clapping and dancing and jumping to the beat. They were actually being controlled!

My my, how unChristian of them...

Scarlet A.pngbomination13:11, 8 November 2011

That was my single first thought when i heard that line. And how nice and politly (and sitting so straight) the church kids were sitting, how they were dressed. isn't that the exact same "mind control".

I usually find that anyone who says "he/she is controlling that other person (ie., jack)", is saying it cause they aren't the ones in control of said "jack". ;-)

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.15:15, 8 November 2011

It's not mind control if we do it. It is "normal" everything else is mind control

Тytalk15:52, 8 November 2011

It's also not "mind control" if you make them "want it". Because, obviously, they wanted it.

Scarlet A.pngbomination16:03, 8 November 2011

When I first started religious studies undergrad (back in the 80s...gack), I had a class on cults. "vegitarianism" was a sign of a cult, I kid you not. Within 3 years, really, the terms and qualifications had totally changed, but it was amazing to me that if you choose to find something "scary" in another world, you will.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.16:03, 8 November 2011

Stupid sheeple are drinking the wrong brand of Kool-Aid -- they should be drinking our brand!

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)06:31, 9 November 2011

And here I was, thinking I was the only one here who likes the Cinema Snob.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.08:58, 9 November 2011

Hahaha. Nope!

Dumpling (talk)18:12, 9 November 2011