The evils of the power company

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Also she lives 4 blocks away in the "upscale" part of the Garden District, while I live in the "shabby" part.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. why did you make that choice. Garden sounds so much better than "shabby". coures "left home" sounds 100000 x better than "stayed to look some more". heh

Green mowse.pngGodot15:57, 30 May 2012

Well, the "shabby" part of the GD. Because it is on the bus route and cheapish. It just needs a lot of work. The previous tenet never cleaned the bathroom for example.

ahhh. BLEACH, tons and tons of fucking bleach.

Green mowse.pngGodot16:06, 30 May 2012

Under sink.JPG An example of the lack of maintenance.


Green mowse.pngGodot16:12, 30 May 2012

There's also no smoke alarm, though one is being installed later today.


What the hell even is that??

Scarlet A.pngmoral16:19, 30 May 2012

That's what the cabinet under my kitchen sink looks like.

Oh, thank God. I thought that was the floor of the bathroom.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.19:40, 30 May 2012

(so did I. scared me, that the toilet might "fall though" or something.)

It should be fixed, but you can just take out the bad wood, and never use it.

Ours look a bit like that, cause we own them, and I don't know how to fix it. but not THAT bad.

Green mowse.pngGodot20:11, 30 May 2012

Or just roll a carpet over it and ignore it. It goes away on its own.

Scarlet A.pngbomination22:12, 30 May 2012

No, this is: Bath floor.JPG

Looks like quite the emergence hole you've got forming there.

Scarlet A.pngtheist16:50, 31 May 2012

Ironically, I just today read an article in the local paper in which the reporter used the word "tenant" when she meant "tenet."

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX05:27, 1 June 2012