User:Bootmii/Conservapedia:Schlafly Slip

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Not to be confused with Schlafly Sip.

The Schlafly Slip is one of several debating tactics used to extricate oneself from an unwinnable position. It is similar to the Schlafly Reversal, but while the Reversal introduces a tangent to the (losing) argument, the Schlafly Slip is a direct exit tactic, in effect "giving the slip" to the debate opponent.

The distinguishing characteristic of the Schlafly Slip is that it uses one of several dismissive lines used to exit the debate in order to save face, accompanied by a declaration that this is the final statement on the matter, often threatening the other poster (either explicitly or implicitly) with banning for "Talk, talk, talk" or Last Wordism.


  • Example one: I don't have any more time to show how wrong you are
", I'm not going to spend all day responding to your logical errors and non sequiturs. This is my last response." [1]
  • Example two: There's no point in continuing to debate a closed mind
", there are plenty of open-minded people with whom I can discuss issues. I'm not going to waste more time discussing issues with you until you demonstrate a more open mind." [2]
  • Example three: Shut up and build my encyclopedia, and your questions will answer themselves
"Lots of questions by you, ''. Contribute more, and more substantively, and you won't be so bewildered in the future." [3]

See also[edit]
