User:Darth Ravigious

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50 States flag.png This user lives in the best damn country on Earth, and you better believe it!
Donald-trump-secim-840x420 (cropped).jpg This user thinks that Donald Trump doesn't represent this user's America.
Equals-sign-blue.gif This user believes that everyone is equal, regardless of race, religion or gender.
Dem This user supported Barack Obama for President, and is glad he won.
Libertarian party logo.png This user is a Libertarian
This user believes in an old Earth — a 4.5 billion year old Earth.
Libertatis Aequilibritas GFDL.png
This user is a supporter of Capitalism.
Anti-commie.svg This user is strictly opposed to communism.
This user thinks public radio is GREAT! No commercials!
Positive negative.JPG
This user suffers from Bipolar Disorder and will never feel ashamed of that fact
Medicalsign1.png This user believes that health care is a human right.

Template:User VA

This user thinks that evolution explains the origin of species.
This user is stuck in the middle.

Template:User liberal

This user believes
in universal healthcare
Blue Marble.jpg
This user is concerned about the environment.
Male silverback Gorilla.JPG
This user is an ape —
and so are you.
Anti communist.png This user is strictly opposed to Stalinism.
Karikatur 7.jpg Freedom of speech can be dangerous, but must be upheld by every one of us.
Conservlogo late april.png
This user believes in free speech for everyone - even idiots.
racism This user is biased against racists.
Evolution walker.svg This user thinks evolution explains the origin of species.
Universe expansion.png
This user thinks that the Big Bang explains the origin of the Universe.
This user is a deist; God is not paying attention.
I am a man.png
This user is male.