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I'm sure my name can partially describe who I am.

For a year of my life, I was a Christian Flat-Earther.

I am transfemme.

(mostly retired)


BrainMop.jpg This user was demoted to janitor Sysop. (verify)
Bi flag.svg
This user is bisexual.
Trans flag.svg
This user is transgender.
This user has Asperger's syndrome or is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
This user is guilty of
moronic vandalism
at Conservapedia.


This user is a libertarian socialist

Anti communist.png This user is strictly opposed to Stalinism.

Medicalsign1.png This user believes that health care is a human right.

Israel-Palestine peace.svg This user wants a two-state solution.
Conservlogo late april.png
This user believes in free speech for everyone - even idiots.