User:Former editor/Rob quotes

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brx makes sense. Karajou is a worthless piece of shit (Yah you karajou, punk-ass motherfucker. Wanna step outside? You're a disgrace to conservatism, and the conservative movement, and God knows what else. I read your racist anti-illegal immigrant rants, and if Obama wins re-election, I'm gonna blame twisted mutherfuckers such as yourself for destroying the Republi8can Party, conservative movement, and America as well with your ignorance, hate, and drivel. By their fruits ye shall know them; look at the marginalized, segregated, unholy and unfunny cesspit you turned Conservapedia into. Your alleged "conservatism" is like the third servant in the parable of the talents, [1] "Thou wicked and vile servant. Depart from me, I never knew ye." Think I'm joking? look at the increase of Wikipedia & Rationalwiki compared to you labors). nobsCorporations are people, too. 14:46, 28 April 2012 (UTC)