The 2024 Legal Defense Fundraiser has ended early due to the Board's decision to settle the suit. Donations will go towards the creation of a legal defense fund. Discussion on the matter can be found at the RationalMedia Foundation noticeboard. Thank you for your generous support.
I am the infamous Halifax Troll aka the Final Fantasy Vandal aka the Tragically Hip vandal. I have hundreds of accounts blocked on Conservapedia. So far the FBI has failed to catch me so don't worry CP trolls, they are just full of shit. I don't think they got Steve Carson either.
The IP range 142.167.x.x was me. I was the very first range block on Conservapedia on 9 July 2007. Because of my actions, hundres of thousands of IP addresses have been banned. Most of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are now unable to edit Conservapedia simply because of my actions.
After a long break, I have made my return to Conservapedia. Thanks to a new 99.x.x.x IP range as well as the discovery of proxy servers. I am now back to taunt Karajew, Andy, and the other Conservapedia sysops. I was the original first range block and I am proud of it. I live in Nova Scotia Canada and like hockey, the Tragically Hip, Final Fantasy, human evolution, and mocking fundamentalist retards.
My socks[edit]
Here is an incomplete list of all my banned socks on Conservapedia
- Cochabamba
- Tara
- Kucinichforlife
- Edwards4pres
- Osamaobama
- Latinleftist
- SebastianValmont
- AnnetteHargrove
- CecileCaldwell
- KathrynMerteuil
- Cruelintentions
- Ronpaulvandamn
- Mikegravelforpres
- Coldhandstara
- Snuffaluffacus
- Lefthandedjew
- JeffRideout
- JimmyMacDonald
- EvoMorales2005
- Pleistocene
- Holocene
- Canadarules
- AllahuAkbarJihad
- AtheistAnarchist
- ScientificAustralian
- BillCasey
- AtheistInAmerica
- WeirdScienceTheThird
- HalifaxTrollReturns
- JeffersonMotorcycle
- JamesSmith
- JimmySmith
- JeffersonLawnmower
- MonctonMadman
- Douch
- JeffersonWheelbarrow
- Chomskyfan
- LiberalDemocraticSocialist
- DemocraticSocialist
- AllahAkbar
- Twitromney
- Miocene
- DanielGreen
- ChronoTrigger
- JimmyCampbell
- ChavezFan
- NathanRodgers
- Fredphelpsisamoron
- MichaelM
- JimmyR
- EvoMorales
- DanielOrtega
- Sandinista
- RuleOfLaw
- ScandalousHegemony
- SocialDemocrat
- JulianAndRicky
- NDP4life
- StephenHarper
- JeffreyJamesRideout
- CheGuevara
- FreedomandLiberty
- CanadianScientist
- DonCorneo
- NimChimpsky
- IntelligentDesign
- Beeswax
- Sanfran69er
- KansasKreationist
- LiveFreeOrDie
- WeirdScience2
- Noamchomskyismyhero
- PeterMacKay
- SalvadorAllende73
- Bethanyissexy
- DanielJamesRideout
- JefferyJefferson
- JamesCampbell
- NormanPeterson
- JohnM
- ChristianDemocracy
- Liberalbiasisntreal
- ImaWitch
- AllahAkbar99
- NewDemocrat07
- Fairandbalanced07
- Dawkinsfan
- ConservativeCanadian
- KonservativeKanadian
- NoamChomsky
- Texasvirgin
- Churchlover
- Montanaman
- Jimmythecannibal
- Foxshootsblanks
- Foxhasasmallcock
- Pussyistasty
- Lockthedatabase
- Dantherecordman
- Satanismysaviour
- Satanismylord
- Christismyonlylover
- Dawkinsismyhero
- Leftwingnaderite
- Algoreiscool
- Rottenronnie
- Rightwingreaganite
- Jeffalmighty
- Vancealmighty
- Evanalmighty
- Brucealmighty
- PrinceofDarkness
- PleistocenePark
- Pleistocenemammal
- MaySnow
- AugustHeat
- WarmSeptemberrain
- ColdNovemberrain
- Gunsnroses
- WeareMonkeys
- Humansaremonkies
- Imanape
- Evolutionisadirtylie
- Richardhead
- ProudCanadian
- JohnCampbell
- HockeyNut
- MenAtWork
- TragicallyHip
- GordonDownie
- BillBarilko
- Hipfan95
- Atthehundredthmeridian
- Blowathighdough
- Musicatwork
- Poets
- Aheadbyacentury
- 38yearsold
- AlexLifeson
- VinceValentine2010
- HappyBirthdayDarwin
- Halifaxtroll2010
- RobertOrr
- CookingByTheBook
- BoDangles
- PunkedNerd
- HindiYew
- DNAmerchant
- BennyLava
- EdOliver
- DonnaBelinda
- JetpackOperation