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I am a man.png
This user is male.
Conservlogo late april.png
This user is trusworthy.
Trus me.
# This user chats on Discord.
BrainMop.jpg This user was demoted to janitor Sysop. (verify)
Deutsch This user speaks German fluently. Wie geht’s?
This user likes to play with somebody else's pussy.
Child survivors of Auschwitz.jpeg
This user will remember.
Holomor Art Denysenko 1.jpg
This user is interested in Germany.
This user is a Wikipedian
Karikatur 7.jpg Freedom of speech can be dangerous, but must be upheld by every one of us.
Agnostic Question Mark.svg This user is an agnostic; they don't know if there's a God.
Medicalsign1.png This user believes that health care is a human right.
This user supports the exit of Scotland from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Flag of Kurdistan.svg This user supports an independent Kurdish nation-state.

Anti-commie.svg This user is strictly opposed to communism.

George w bush.jpeg This user would rather eat the chunks of corn in their crap than support George W. Bush.
Israel-Palestine peace.svg This user wants a two-state solution.

Gay Pride Flag.svg
This user believes in equal rights for gay people.
racism This user is biased against racists.
This user thinks arms should be "well regulated" per the Second Amendment
This user is stuck in the middle.
Equals-sign-blue.gif This user believes that everyone is equal, regardless of race, religion or gender.
Warning This user does not care about your religious beliefs, so long as they are not forced on the rest of us.
... This user already has too many userboxes, but added another one anyway.
