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This page demonstrates referencing a book. The example uses one reference with multiple citations. The "rp" template is used to indicate individual pages within the reference.


In the introduction to William F. Friedman's text on cryptanalysis, he states:

Valid or authentic cryptanalytic solutions cannot and do not represent "opinions" of the cryptanalyst. They are valid only so far as they are wholly objective, and are susceptible of demonstration and proof, employing authentic, objective methods. It should hardly be necessary (but an attitude frequently encountered among laymen makes it advisable) to indicate that the validity of the results achieved by any serious cryptanalytic studies on authentic material rests upon the same sure foundations and are reached by the same general steps as the results achieved by any other scientific studies; viz., observation, hypothesis, deduction and induction, and confirmatory experiment.[1]:8

On communications intelligence, Friedman states:

In a large-scale communication intelligence effort these four steps, interception, traffic analysis, cryptanalysis, and translation, must be properly organized and coordinated in order to gain the most benefit from the potentialities of communication intelligence, that is, the production of the maximum quantity of information from the raw traffic. This information must then be evaluated by properly trained intelligence specialists, collated with intelligence derived from other sources, and, finally, disseminated to the commanders who need the intelligence in time to be of operational use to them, rather than of mere historical interest. The foregoing operations and especially the first three—interception, traffic analysis, and cryptanalysis—usually complement one another. This, however, is not the place for elaboration on the interrelationships which exist and which when properly integrated make the operations as a whole an efficient, unified complex geared to the fulfillment of its principal goal, namely, the production of timely communication intelligence.[1]:22


@Cosmikdebris Does this work? Test.[2]:247 Nebuchadnezzar7658 (talk) 04:28, 20 May 2020 (UTC)


  1. 1.0 1.1 William F. Friedman, Military Cryptanalysis Part I, 4th Edition. National Security Agency, December 1952.
  2. History of Religious Ideas, Volume 2 by Mircea Eliade. (1982) University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226204030