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I have no idea what to write here so here's some userboxes

Gay Pride Flag.svg
This user is a proud supporter of the Homosexual Agenda
Bi flag.svg
This user is bisexual.
This user is female.
This user has Asperger's syndrome or is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Panic attack.jpg This user suffers or suffered from Anxiety Disorders

PvdA Logo small.svg This user believes in a regulated, capitalist economy with a strong welfare state.
Blue Marble.jpg
This user is concerned about the environment.
This user is a Christian, but not a fundy loon, and remembers that Jesus preached tolerance and love, not homophobia and hate.
This user is a deist; God is not paying attention.
Universe expansion.png
This user believes that the Big Bang occurred, but that God caused it.
This user thinks that evolution explains the origin of species.
This user believes in an old Earth — a 4.5 billion year old Earth.
Schematicky atom.png This user loves science!

Usa flag circle.png This user reads Wackopedia Conservapedia for amusement
Flag of Texas.svg
This user is a Texan. Yee haw!

This user supports the legalization of The Herb, otherwise known as sweet leaf, reefer, or left-handed cigarette.
Pussy01.gif This user thinks PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, and hunts sea kittens.
This user is a fan of dinosaurs.
Opening chess position from black side.jpg This user knows how to play chess.