Essay:Surveys of the American public opinion

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It is easy to claim support from the vaguely defined American public. Here are statistics on what "the American public" believes:

Conspiracy theories[edit]


The American public appears to puts low trust in the media in general, but high trust in specific free press institutions.

Morning Consult #161201 (1650 people, 2016)
How credible are each of the following? Very credible (%) Credible (%) Not too credible (%) Not at all credible (%) Graphic
CNN 26 34 15 14
Morning Consult 161201.png
Fox News 25 30 17 19
MSNBC 20 35 15 14
ABC 24 43 14 9
CBS 24 41 14 10
NBC 24 41 13 11
The New York Times 27 36 12 11
The Wall Street Journal 26 38 12 7
National Public Radio 21 30 12 8
Huffington Post 14 32 16 13
Breitbart 7 12 12 14
InfoWars 6 11 11 10
The Onion 6 12 12 23




American science[edit]

Question Best in the world (%) Above average (%) Average (%) Below average (%) Number of respondents Year Source
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its scientific achievements] compared to other industrialized countries? 15 39 34 9 N=2002 2014 PSVSS, p.81
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its scientific achievements] compared to other industrialized countries? 17 47 26 5 N=2001 2009 GPSS, p. 63

American military[edit]

Question Best in the world (%) Above average (%) Average (%) Below average (%) Number of respondents Year Source
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its military] compared to other industrialized countries? 39 37 15 5 N=2002 2014 PSVSS, p.81
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its military] compared to other industrialized countries? 42 39 13 3 N=2001 2009 GPSS, p. 63

American economy[edit]

Question Best in the world (%) Above average (%) Average (%) Below average (%) Number of respondents Year Source
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its economy] compared to other industrialized countries? 7 26 36 29 N=2002 2014 PSVSS, p.81
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its economy] compared to other industrialized countries? 12 22 33 31 N=2001 2009 GPSS, p. 63
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its standard of living] compared to other industrialized countries? 22 41 26 9 N=2001 2009 GPSS, p. 63

American education[edit]

Question Best in the world (%) Above average (%) Average (%) Below average (%) Number of respondents Year Source
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its science, technology, engineering and math education for grades K to 12] compared to other industrialized countries? 7 22 39 29 N=2002 2014 PSVSS, p.82

American politics[edit]

Question Best in the world (%) Above average (%) Average (%) Below average (%) Number of respondents Year Source
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its political system] compared to other industrialized countries? 12 22 32 31 N=2002 2014 PSVSS, p.82
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its political system] compared to other industrialized countries? 19 31 29 16 N=2001 2009 GPSS, p. 63

American healthcare[edit]

Question Best in the world (%) Above average (%) Average (%) Below average (%) Number of respondents Year Source
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its health care] compared to other industrialized countries? 9 16 32 39 N=1001 2014 PSVSS, p.82
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its medical treatment] compared to other industrialized countries? 17 34 29 20 N=1001 2014 PSVSS, p.82
Do you think the U.S. is the BEST IN THE WORLD, above average, average or below average in [Its political system] compared to other industrialized countries? 15 23 32 27 N=2001 2009 GPSS, p. 63


Survey title Survey conductor Number of
Margin of error Survey method Date
Morning Consult National Tracking Poll #161201[1][2] (Morning Consult 161201) Morning Consult 1605 adults 2% unstated 2016-12-01 to 02
Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society[3] (PSVSS) Pew Research Center 2002 18+year-olds from 50 states+DC 3.1% live callers, landline + cellphone, English + Spanish 2014-08-15 to 25[note 1]
General Public Science Survey[4][5][6] (GPSS) Pew Research Center 2001 18+year-olds from 50 states+DC 2.5% live callers, landline + cellphone, English + Spanish 2009-04-28 to 05-12

External links[edit]

To do[edit]


  1. Survey of American adults conducted 2014 August 15-25. Survey of AAAS scientists conducted later, 2014 September 11-October 13.
