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No matter what these birds do, climate change will come along anyway

The ostrich is a flightless bird from Africa of the genus Struthio. It is known for its delicious meat, being low in fat but high in protein. Ostriches are the biggest birds around with eggs 24 times larger than those of chickens,[1] though their eyes are bigger than their brains.[2] Although able to run extremely fast in speeds of almost 20 meters per second,[3] they cannot run faster than a bullet. They are apocryphally notorious for being so mind-numbingly stupid they stick their heads in the sand when confronted by an attacker, hence the bird has given its name to those who refuse to accept facts no matter how often they are presented to them, or how robustly they are authenticated. In reality, this myth likely originates from their behavior of digging nests for their eggs in the ground, them grazing on grasses, or their tendency to lie down when threatened.[4] While ostriches can't fly, they are descended from birds that could fly. This doesn't mean that they "devolved" or anything like that, but rather that they are adapted to a much different niche and environment that favors fast running speeds over the ability to fly.[5]


Emus aren't super closely related to ostriches (being more closely related to rheas and cassowaries) though they share the same flying ancestor. Emus did win a war against Australia once, so there's that.[6]
