RationalWiki:Annotated Qur'an/The Unity

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Annotated Qur'an
Sura 112: The Unity
Word-by-word translation
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Qur'an 112:1[edit]

Say, “He is God, the One.

Qur'an 112:1 Notes[edit]

Okay, I will say it: "He is Allah, the One!"

Qur'an 112:2[edit]

God, the Absolute.

Qur'an 112:2 Notes[edit]

Yep, said this too. Though I must also say, I have never implored Allah to do anything. And before Islam existed, nobody ever did. And after humanity is all dead, nobody ever will. I'm not entirely sure where the "eternal" and "of all" parts come from.

Qur'an 112:3[edit]

He begets not, nor was He begotten.

Qur'an 112:3 Notes[edit]

It's unlikely that an all powerful God was born from an all powerful God, so this sort of goes without saying. (Maybe someone should tell the Christians?)

Qur'an 112:4[edit]

And there is nothing comparable to Him.”

Qur'an 112:4 Notes[edit]

Definitely incomparable. I certainly cannot think of a more violent, angry, petty, fury driven and immoral fictional character in all of literature except for maybe the clown in Stephen King's "It" or, uh, whathisname from the Bible.