Talk:Bumblebee argument

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xkcd does the funny[edit]

With a strip on this topic. Doesn't really debunk anything, just a joke. Not sure if it's worth adding or what. Wehpudicabok [話] [変] 08:55, 23 October 2013 (UTC)

Oh yeah?[edit]

"It's scientifically impossible for the bumblebee to fly; but the bumblebee, being unaware of these scientific facts, flies anyway."

I once hit a bumblebee with a physics textbook. The sudden exposure to scientific facts made it stop flying. Checkmate, Atheists! --Zipperback (talk) 22:34, 24 November 2014 (UTC)

Bee movie[edit]

Personally, I think we need to change the first line to "... states that according to all known laws of avitation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. It's wings are just too small to get it's fat little body off the ground" Blackblood909 (talk) 09:19, 15 January 2019 (UTC)

Two comments[edit]

The scientist on being presented with the 'bees scientifically cannot fly but they do' argument would immediately think 'I know where to get a research grant for this' followed by 'how do I angle this for a Nobel Prize or other award.'

And do the proponents of the fallacy have 'bees in their bonnets'? Anna Livia (talk) 10:10, 15 January 2019 (UTC)

Schumann frequency[edit]

I've seen stuff online (including @TakeThatDarwin on twitter) about how bumble bees supposedly fly by setting up a resonance at the earth's Schumann frequency (see Schumann resonancesWikipedia) and levitating, or something. I don't know if it's serious or a joke, but might be worth mentioning and debunking.[1][2][3] --Annanoon (talk) 23:29, 25 March 2019 (UTC)