Talk:Computing Forever

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Partner Network[edit]

Cullen's partner network recently dropped him. I think this should be mentioned here. (talk) 18:52, 16 June 2018 (UTC)

Regarding ReviewTechUSA[edit]

Is Rich really relevant to this article. Even if we assume he's a clone of Cullen (Which he isn't there are multiple tech review You-tubers that existed prior to him and Cullen) that's not Cullen's Fault. He's not responsible for other people and their actions Kind of a what you would call a Association fallacy? Also isn't it weird that you mention him being a gamergater as if that's necessarily a bad thing. (Because we all know ethics in journalism is a terrible standard, right?) — Unsigned, by: TheDarkMaster2 / talk / contribs

"you mention working with Kim Jong Un like it's a bad thing, but what's wrong with being a democratic republic". <- what you sound like. ikanreed 🐐Bleat at me 20:16, 22 October 2018 (UTC)
Actually no, here's the difference Kim Jong Un's family is directly responsible for the tyrannical dictatorship of North Korea. Computing Forever is not responsible For Rich creating his youtube channel. his is just one problem with the section. I could list way more than just Association fallacy Let's look
  • They call him an e-begger for having a patreon(Because it's using money to get actual equipment is e-begging but Anti Sarkesian's ebegging for money to make videos on non-problems)
  • They call him a flip-flopper for him daring to change his opinion, because updatin your views upon getting more information is some hoe a bad thing
  • They have a hate-boner for Gamergate
So fuck yourself, comeback with a solid argument instead of a strawman, maybe people will take you seriously-Sincerely TheDarkMaster2
Jesus christ. you're really fucking thick and I don't want to explain the concept of an analogy to you. ikanreed 🐐Bleat at me 14:21, 26 October 2018 (UTC)
Hey you are aware that an analogy can be utter garbage, right? Because that's what your analogy was - Sincerely, User_TheDarkMaster2
Sure. You clearly missed the point and went on an angry rant about a literal interpretation of it, but I made the mistake. You're very smart and not at all rendered completely moronic by far right ideologies. ikanreed 🐐Bleat at me 15:25, 26 October 2018 (UTC)
And obviously the same cannot be said of you, I'm not even subbed to Reviewtechusa or Computing Forever. I merely believe it is wrong to use the Association fallacy. Maybe you should look at stuff with a different worldview. But then that would require you to criticize women and we all know that's sexist. -Sincerely User-TheDarkMaster


Is it really accurate to describe Dave Cullen/Computing Forever as "alt-lite" at this point? Have you seen his video output throughout these past years? He's gone full far-right ultra-nationalist. Peadar237 <up>user talk:Peadar237 01:44, 10 November 2020 (UTC)


It appears that Dave's channel got yeeted. I'm not surprised at all.Jeh2ow Damn son! 17:13, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

Mark my words, he will appear on PeerTube and ruin it like Nazis did on BitChute. PoorlyDrawnRockford.jpeg Rockford the Roe boop my snootpraise Oscar Wilde 17:58, 20 April 2021 (UTC)

Keeping alt right[edit]

I don’t think these last two edits should have been made. I know Cullen & what he’s capable of as someone who was nearly radicalised by his hate speech & he is full blood alt right. That should be kept. It was actually this site’s page that helped me realise what a hateful lunatic he really is. People need to know how dangerous he is. I would argue that he is the most dangerous member of the fandom menace (the Star Wars sequel hate group that bullied Daisy Ridley & Kelly Marie Tran) Yacob01 (talk) 11:06 July 4 2023 (AEST)