Talk:Dennis Prager

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Too sarcastic[edit]

The article on Dennis Prager has too many sarcastic phrases, some of which might be confusing and which certainly mars it's effectiveness.

While it might be emotionally rewarding for the writer, sarcastic statements in a wiki about rational thought is considered harmful to the cause of rational thought. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs


Does anyone know about PragerU? It's a conservative "educational" YouTube channel with animated videos that look similiar to more liberal and more educational YouTube channels like CGP Grey and Kurzgesagt. I think it's meant to jerk off conservative teenagers with a nice and polished explanation of how everything works or something. Examples of videos are: "Israel: The World's Most Moral Army" (apparently Israel is an army now), "Feminism vs Truth", "Why the Right is Right" (ha) and "Why is Modern Art so Bad?" (this one being particularly cringe worthy if you're an art student). Does this YouTube channel have anything to do with Dennis Prager and Prager University? Anyone? I would write something about it but I'm not good in English and not very funny so I'm just throwing this out there for anyone who's interested. Dapperedavid (talk) 23:08, 20 December 2015 (CET)Dapperedavid

This is the same university we talk about in the article. ClothCoat (talk) 07:21, 6 January 2016 (UTC)

How far to Silver?[edit]

Thoughts? Reverend Black Percy (talk) 20:22, 5 September 2016 (UTC)

Fun Fact Correction[edit]

"Claimed that feminism and women abandoning marriage for careers were responsible for higher depression rates among women,[29] despite studies showing that housewives have higher rates of depression than working women in Karachi, Pakistan.[30] Whoopsie." As much as I dislike Mr. Prager's opinions, I assume he was talking about American (white?) middle-class women. Needless to say, Prager's claim is unsubstantiated, but it is not obviously contradicted by studies in cultures as different from American culture as may be found in Pakistan. In short, this is not a smart example and should be revised.Ariel31459 (talk) 13:27, 8 December 2017 (UTC)

@Ariel31459 I have edited it. Thoughts? CowHouse (talk) 13:59, 8 December 2017 (UTC)
@CowHouse That looks fine. Thank you. I wish I knew enough to contribute more to this article.Ariel31459 (talk) 14:14, 8 December 2017 (UTC)

Batshit crazy stuff he says about the Bible[edit]

To give you an example, he says that the law allowing disobedient children to be killed is telling parents that they CAN'T kill their children.

I found this video painful to listen to for that, and other reasons. But if you guys want to point out the section where he says it, it's in this video where he talks to Ben Shit-Pee-Row. You can find it 19 minutes in. — Unsigned, by: / talk