Talk:Huey Newton

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This Communism related article has been assessed as SIGNIFICANTLY PROBLEMATIC in one or more ways. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.

[hide]This article requires attention for the following reason(s):
  • Needs sources.


greatest american? or unquestionably the greatest american?


Don't know enough about him. Wikipedia's got a good article on him though. --Seantalk 00:07, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
there are lots of books by or about him, you should read them. soul on ice is a good start to get a general history of the panthersUncleHo (talk) 00:20, 2 April 2010 (UTC)

Wtb feedback[edit]

I ended up rewriting a lot of this article for various reasons, looking for feedback/things to add/things to change ROPChain (talk) 07:40, 4 June 2014 (UTC)