Talk:Intuitive eating

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"Intuitive eating is a revolutionary healthy eating approach that shows promising scientific evidence"[edit]

Anybody else see this opening line as a huge red flag?-Hastur! (talk) 22:26, 25 February 2021 (UTC)

Isn't this the stuff promoted by that oxygen thief, Gwenyth Paltrow. And yes! it is a red flag. Is the pope Catholic? LeucippusTalk 22:33, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
Not a good sign at all. This article was written by QuietLuna, the same person who rewrote HAES. I’m surprised no one seemed to object to their edits at the time, perhaps they were an otherwise rational person with a blind spot when it comes to food woo but I don’t think it’s likely. Christopher (talk) 22:34, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
'Intuition' has no right associating itself with science. Perhaps its hypoxia that makes QuietLuna so quite. LeucippusTalk 22:39, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
Ugh who's good at triaging this sort of thing? Doesn't appear to have a mayo clinic article or even a WP article, which crosses out my preferred means of getting the information I need to determine whether something is bullshit. Somebody's going to have to read the references. Not me, I've already started on my greyhound and I've decided to conserve my mental energy this evening for the Fidelity app. -Hastur! (talk) 22:42, 25 February 2021 (UTC)
Half of the citations are to and most of the rest are to similarly sketchy websites. I say we should just delete it, I’ll stick the template on. Christopher (talk) 22:49, 25 February 2021 (UTC)