Talk:Jon Voight

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Wall of text[edit]

Wall of text: TL;DR. Someone edit it for cHRIST's sake 22:26, 29 May 2010 (UTC) SusanG Toast

Well, not quite too long, but from what i can gather, it's "actor supports Rebublicans, movie at 11". I'm not comfortable with endorsing an article that seems to say that Jon Voight is an ass because he didn't jump on the usual celebrity bandwagon of slagging off Bush. Scarlet A.pngnarchist 23:22, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
Hi and thanks for your feedback. I would say that I don't consider it an obligation that celebrities must criticize Bush; God knows people like Tom Selleck, Robert Duvall and Kelsey Grammer have certainly sung Bush's praises, which is fine. But unlike them, Voight is a hypocrite - he slanders anyone who criticizes Bush but when the President is a Democrat he pulls a 180. Besides, even Selleck, Duvall and Grammer have not exuded such vile, nonsensical garbage as Voight is exuding about Obama. While he is a great actor, Voight's still an ass - his failure as a husband and a father is proof enough. ProtégezVotreCerveau (talk) 13:55, 30 May 2010 (UTC)

Something about Jolie[edit]

"One certainly can't blame Jolie for...", yeah and one certainly can't blame Voight for being completely ashamed of her. Stealing another woman's man and saying at an award ceremony that she was "in love with her brother". Not to mention having "them taters" penis inside her (he lived up in them thar hills) Burkean (talk) 09:28, 10 May 2014 (UTC)

" ... which is too dumb to not even be considered a mental disorder"[edit]

An actual addition someone just made to the article. Someone too smart to not even be considered what they wrote before saved it. (talk) 14:42, 16 March 2017 (UTC)