Talk:List of gods that theists don't believe in

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Gods Muslims don't believe in[edit]

Do you think this could be expanded to include Muslims too or it's unnecesary for redundant? --Panzerfaust (talk) 21:58, 12 September 2017 (UTC)

I was thinking about making this into a webpage of its own. Think "enter your religion, see all the gods you don't believe in". Wiki software (and wiki tables) kinda suck for this purpose. Fuzzy "Cat" Potato, Jr. (talk/stalk) 23:37, 12 September 2017 (UTC)
When I moved the list into Fun:Gods Christians don't believe in/gods, I deliberately made it versatile so that in future a different set of believed-in gods could be used, by passing in a different parameter. Currently it only takes "christian", but it would be trivial to make other parameters function properly. —Kazitor, pending 22:55, 24 September 2017 (UTC)

Ok who's the joker[edit]

Suzumiya Haruhi, really? Commie Lib (talk) 21:30, 27 June 2019 (UTC)

I think that one is probably me. Zero (talk - contributions) 14:14, 28 June 2019 (UTC)


As funny as the Portal reference is, what's GLaDOS doing on this list? Do people actually worship her? I never knew that! --Goatspeed. Happy Halloween!🎃CircularREmail2.gifasoning🎃My experiments 04:34, 20 September 2019 (UTC)

Eric Clapton[edit]

Should he go under “C” or “E”? Mr Larrington (talk) 00:37, 11 October 2022 (UTC)

How do you edit the wikitable.[edit]

I've spent a while trying to edit the wikitable. When i try to edit the page all the information in the table is gone. Ive tried to look up solutions but i couldn't find any. — Unsigned, by: Dots321 / talk / contribs

Simplify the table[edit]

Since Abrahamists are monotheists, it would be easier to only list the single god they believe in rather than all these other gods they don't believe in. (talk) 03:21, 3 November 2023 (UTC)